My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1788 Of course it's for the benefit

But even so, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen had a lot of money to talk about, there was no way, what they wanted to see was the history of the main schools of each school in a school, the gift was so low, how could it catch other people's eyes? And since there are two of them, of course the gifts should be doubled.

Not long after, a few people came to a school.

It is not clear from a distance, but Gu Fenghua can see clearly when he is close up. The entire Yiyi Xuegong is several miles wide, as if standing in the air on the top of a majestic peak, above the gate of the palace. The four big characters "Yaoxuegong" are magnificent and powerful. Majestic, which even implies the meaning of heaven and earth.

It is worthy of being the holy land of cultivation that countless sects yearn for. The aura of this Dao school is much stronger than that of Nanli sect.

However, what is completely inconsistent with this magnificent momentum is that there are several rows of stone houses built on both sides of the academy, which look extremely simple.

"What are those rooms used for?" Lonen asked curiously.

"That's the temporary residence for the principals and masters of the courtyard." Hu Moyu replied.

Although he had already led Gu Fenghua and the two of them to prepare gifts, how to send them out is also a matter of knowledge. Sending the Buddha to the west, helping people to the end, so he followed the two to a school, of course, this is also for the benefit.

"Don't they live in a school?" Lorn asked strangely.

"Of course I usually live in the academy, but every time a academy opens to accept disciples, all the major sects send out their most outstanding disciples, and the elders and teachers of these sects are more or less in touch with the principals of the major academies. There is some friendship in the history of the school, and of course the disciples will come to visit in advance. You all understand the reason.

But what kind of place is a school, how can people come in and out at will, besides, there are so many people coming and going, it can't be a mess. Therefore, the officials of the main courtyard sent out housekeepers and set up temporary residences outside the palace to receive them, so as not to chill the hearts of old friends. "Hu Moyu took advantage of Gu Fenghua, and finally he didn't have to worry about filling his stomach. Of course, he knew everything without saying anything.

"Then which one shall we go to first?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"Of course, go to the home of Master Zheng Shen Zheng Xing Xing Shen of Liangyi Academy first." Hu Moyu said without hesitation.

After speaking, he led Gu Fenghua and the two to a stone house. When he got closer, Gu Fenghua realized that the house looked simple and small, but in fact it was covered with layers of formations, and even had the aura of space formations. Obviously, the interior of this stone house is by no means simple, at least it looks bigger than the outside Much more.

As expected of a school, it is just a temporary residence for servants, but there are arrays, and there are also space arrays, how much fine gold and silver will it cost, and what kind of strength will it need? Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen took a deep breath, becoming more curious and looking forward to this school.

"Don't talk nonsense for a while, just leave it to me." Hu Moyu solved the problem of filling his stomach. He not only knows everything he can say, but also puts his heart and soul into doing things. He first reminded Gu Fenghua and the two of them. , and knocked the knocker.

"Who is it?" A middle-aged man walked out with his head held high. If he hadn't known the identity of the person in the house long ago, just looking at the holy robe that was obviously blessed by the refining formation, and that arrogant demeanor, Gu Fenghua really wouldn't have guessed that he was just a housekeeper, that is, a housekeeper.

"Hu Moyu, a disciple of the Jade Girl Sect, pays my respects to Guanshi Ding." Hu Moyu said respectfully.

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