My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1799 The Only Possible Manipulation

"So, Gu Fenghua's aptitude is probably not as good as that of Luo Enen. Luo Enen still dares to try with all her strength, but she doesn't even have the courage to try. How poor is her aptitude?" Someone said. He said with emotion, but his face was full of joy.

Why is he so happy, because he also went to two academies to test his spiritual root aptitude before, but the result was far inferior to others. He was so ashamed, but when he saw someone who was worse than himself, he had someone to back him up. How could he be unhappy.

Ignoring the cold wave and sarcasm of the people around him, Gu Fenghua followed Luo Enen and walked towards the next academy.

Liuhe Academy, Sixiang Academy, Bagua Academy, Five Elements Academy...

They tried several times in succession, but the result was exactly the same. No matter how hard they tried, the jade talisman never responded at all.

The cold wave and hot sarcasm all around were endless. The test has been carried out so far, and of course more and more people have been hit. They can only find a little comfort from the setbacks of Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen.

"Fenghua, is it true that our aptitude is so poor? Could it be that we shouldn't come to Promise Holy Heaven at all." Luo Enen suffered such a setback for the first time in his life, and he didn't even have the strength to get angry, and said with a disappointed expression .

"No, something is wrong." Gu Fenghua shook his head and said, of course, he also used Qi Gathering to transmit sound.

"What's wrong?" Lorn raised his head abruptly.

"Wuji Shengtian is not so different from Tianji Continent. If your aptitude is really that bad, no matter how I help you, you will not be able to learn the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword. I can be sure that our aptitude is definitely not bad , at least not so badly." Gu Fenghua said with certainty.

"Since our aptitude is not bad, how could this be?" Loenen was even more puzzled.

"Perhaps, the problem lies in these strange rocks." Gu Fenghua said thoughtfully.

At the beginning, the test with Liangyi Tiandi Stone was fruitless. She also suspected that her spiritual root aptitude was not suitable for the exercises and sacred skills of Liangyi Academy, but then she went to Liuhe Academy, Sixiang Academy, Bagua Academy...every one Academy, all have the same result, which is completely unreasonable.

Gu Fenghua never believed that the qualifications of himself and Luo Enen would be so different that none of the nine academies was suitable for them.

Then, the only possibility is that someone has tampered with it in advance!

"Hahahaha, another waste material." At this time, someone in the crowd laughed again.

But this time it was obviously not about Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, because everyone turned their heads at the same time and looked at the sapphire case in Liangyi Academy.

I saw Hu Moyu withdrawing his palm from the Liangyi Tiandi Stone in embarrassment, and quitting the team in despair. Even through the messy beard, he could see his face flushed.

After preparing for so long, it turned out to be the same result as Gu Fenghua Luo Enen, which seriously frustrated Hu Moyu's self-confidence, and he didn't have the courage to go to Jiugong Academy again, so he went directly to Liuhe Academy. Now that the test has been carried out, many academies have selected many disciples, and there are only a few people queuing in front of Liuhe Academy, and soon it is Hu Moyu's turn.

Taking a deep breath, Hu Moyu placed a palace talisman, then covered the Liuhe Heaven and Earth Stone with his hand, and poured all his strength into the holy spirit.

"Dang, dang, dang..." Sheng Shiyi heard a pleasant and crisp sound.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Hu Moyu blushed again and ran away.

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