My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1802 So It Was Your Creation

The test has been going on until now, and there are not many people who have not been selected. It didn't take long, and it was a few people's turn.

"You don't need to test, go down." Gu Fenghua took out a palace talisman as usual, but before she started, the middle-aged man sitting behind the sapphire table said. This person has a thin face, protruding cheekbones, and a pair of triangular eyes hanging from his eyes. He looks extremely mean.

"What?" Gu Fenghua was startled.

"I said, you, you, and you, you don't need to test, go down and wait, and see which academy confiscates enough disciples in a while, and will take you away." The middle-aged man rolled his triangular eyes, Said impatiently.

"Why?" Lonen said angrily.

"Why, just because I, He Kunliang, is the history of the Seven Star Academy. What kind of aptitude do you have, don't you have any points? I don't know what your sect thinks, but let this kind of waste material come to my school, and let it be ashamed Don’t you think it’s shameful to waste so much of our time?” He Kunliang cursed with triangular eyes.

The reason why he did this, of course, like Shen Zhengxing and others, was to send Hua Qianfeng a favor.

However, Seven Star Academy ranks at the bottom of the eight academies in Yidao Academy (there is also a One Yuan Academy, which has basically been excluded by everyone), and he is only the history of the academy. They may not be qualified to sit here, so even if he sent this favor, Hua Qianfeng might not remember him, so he simply made things a little more extreme, giving Hua Qianfeng enough face, and only in this way, Hua Qianfeng can Will accept his love.

Of course, Gu Fenghua and the others didn't know about these secrets. Hu Moyu was scolded by him, and the courage he had worked up so hard was wiped out again, and he was so ashamed that he couldn't lift his head up.

"We have a palace talisman, why don't you let us try it? How about the history of the academy, can the history of the academy bully people?" Luo Enen was not as fragile as him, and was aroused, pointing angrily He Kunliang scolded.

"Since you want to lose face, then let you lose enough. Then I will see how you can hold your heads up?" He Kunliang pushed the Seven Star Heaven and Earth Stone forward, and sneered with his hands clasped.

The reason why he is so merciless is to give away enough favors. He believes that after a disturbance, Hua Qianfeng will have to accept his affection no matter what, so he is too lazy to talk nonsense with Gu Fenghua and the others.

"Hmph, no matter how embarrassing I am, it's my business, it's none of your business." Luo Enen was completely angry, and she didn't give face to the school history. She raised her eyebrows and said contemptuously.

While talking, Lonen took out the jade talisman and was about to start the test.

Gu Fenghua suddenly stretched out his hand and stopped Luo Enen. Just looking at He Kunliang's style, she can guess that this guy and Shen Zhengxing and others are venting out of the same nostrils. This Seven Star Heaven and Earth Stone must have been tampered with. .

"What's wrong?" Luo Enen looked at Gu Fenghua suspiciously.

Gu Fenghua was silent, but frowned. It would be embarrassing to keep trying, but it would also be embarrassing if you give up at this point. For a while, even she was caught in a dilemma.

"Try it, why don't you try it, I thought it would be a big deal, but it turns out they are just two useless pieces of wood." A familiar sarcasm suddenly sounded from the crowd, which was extremely ear-piercing.

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