Not far away, a sneer appeared on the corner of Shen Zhengxing's mouth again, and what everyone said was exactly what he thought.

Don't look at Wuji Shengtian's seemingly calm surface, but it is actually a dark tide. The rise and fall of sects is a common occurrence, and even their demise can only happen overnight.

If any sect wants to prosper forever and inherit it for thousands of years, it needs to constantly replenish fresh blood, and it needs to find disciples with outstanding qualifications to pass it on from generation to generation.

And no matter how powerful the sect is, if there are no new strongmen for thousands of years, it will inevitably fall into a land where the yellow and the yellow are not connected, and it will not be far from decline.

To put it more simply, what is the most important thing for sects like Wuji Shengtian?

It's not a treasure of heaven and earth, it's not a blessed place, but a talent, a talent! If Gu Fenghua really had good aptitude, how could he be favored by a declining sect like Nanli Sect?

"This, this is..." Just as he was thinking this in his heart, suddenly, his sneer froze on his face, shock appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

A white light suddenly shot out from a palace talisman under Gu Fenghua's hand, so bright, so dazzling!

All around, all the sect disciples were stunned at the same time.

Everyone present has been tested more than once. The aptitude of the spiritual root is strong or weak. With the highest matching degree of power, none of his jade talismans has ever shown such a dazzling light.

Looking at the dazzling light, Gu Fenghua smiled - until now, who would dare to call her useless, who would dare to look down on her?

By the way, since the power of the beast hidden in the body of Jiao Jiao has the same root and origin as the power of the beast in the one-yuan heaven and earth stone, and it has been absorbed and refined by the three bear children, why do I have to suppress it with the power of the phoenix? What about borrowing their power?

The power of the beasts absorbed by the three bear children is much stronger than the power of the beasts contained in the one-element heaven and earth stone. Gu Fenghua suddenly had an idea. But the power of the beast has been refined by them, so I don't know if it can still be used?

"Bitch!" Gu Fenghua didn't bother to guess, and shouted directly in his mind.

"Come here." A low voice sounded in his head.

One person and one pet are connected with each other, so there is no need for Gu Fenghua to say much, Jianjian knows what she wants to do.

A sharp thorn that was too thin to be seen by the naked eye appeared on Gu Fenghua's fingertips, and the unique spiritual power of Yaozhi poured out from it.

This kind of magical skill of combining people and pets was accidentally discovered when Wuji Shengtian was healing Xie Huaiyuan and Fang Shibo. With this magical skill, Gu Fenghua can directly borrow some of Jianjian's abilities.

As the lowly Yaozhi's spiritual power continued to pour into the One Yuan Heaven and Earth Stone, Gu Fenghua was pleasantly surprised to find that he had done the right thing. Although the power of the divine beast has been cheaply refined, its essence of the divine beast has not changed, and it can still pass through the barrier without hindrance and touch the wonderful dao rhyme within.

The white light soared into the sky, and it became brighter and brighter, like a peerless divine sword piercing the void, and it pierced so hard that people couldn't open their eyes, only a crisp "click" sound suddenly came from their ears.

"It's broken, a palace talisman is broken!" After finally getting used to the dazzling light, and staring at it again, someone exclaimed.

Sure enough, under Gu Feng's command, a palace talisman inlaid in the One-Yuan Heaven and Earth Stone unexpectedly shattered and turned into fragments.

At the same time, a wonderful dao rhyme filled the air.

All the sect disciples were dumbfounded, too surprised to speak.

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