My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1820 We Didn't Lie Back

"Hanyu, Tinglan, I don't know how you tricked them back, but I know what you are thinking. After all, don't you just want to save some face for our Yiyuan Academy? But it is our face that matters , or other people's future is more important? You can't ruin other people's cultivation way for your own face." Tantai Baiyi said earnestly.

Gu Fenghua and the others looked at Tantai Baiyi in surprise. They thought that by joining the One Yuan Academy, they would save the last bit of face for the academy. As the principal, Tantai Baiyi would be ecstatic or even weeping with joy, but he didn't expect that for them He actually took the initiative to push the few of them out of their cultivation prospects.

The principal is kind-hearted. Looking at Tantai's white clothes again, they felt much more pleasing to the eye, and even the creases on their faces looked extraordinarily kind, extraordinarily amiable. It's just that the courtyard outside you is right, do you just look down on your own academy like this? What does it mean to ruin other people's cultivation way? This is too unambitious.

"Master, it's not like that, Senior Sister Fenghua and the others were not tricked by us." Shen Tinglan quickly explained.

"Ting Lan, I always thought you were kind-hearted and calm-tempered. Why did you learn badly from Han Yu now, and dare to lie to Master? If you hadn't deceived them with your rhetoric and boasting, would they come to my One-Yuan Academy?" Qin Hanyu, who is naturally jumpy, just made excuses, but it was the always honest Shen Tinglan who spoke, and Tantai Baiyi couldn't help being a little angry.

"Why did you learn badly from me? I never lied." Qin Hanyu muttered resentfully.

"Master, I really didn't, didn't lie to Senior Sister Fenghua and the others." Shen Tinglan was timid, seeing her master getting angry, her face turned red with fright, and she also stuttered.

"You still dare to lie! Back then, I believed the bragging of the two senior brothers and entered Yiyuan Academy, so that I wasted my life. How can you continue to harm people!" Seeing her denying it, Tantai Baiyi finally broke out in anger. He blew his beard and stared at his eyes, and when he talked about sad things, he beat his chest and stomped his feet with a look of grief.

Seeing that Master was so angry, Shen Tinglan was frightened and wronged, tears were about to fall.

"Master Yuanzheng misunderstood, we did join Yiyuan Academy voluntarily, and it has nothing to do with the two junior sisters." Gu Fenghua couldn't stand it anymore, and took the initiative to speak.

Although Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu were indeed suspected of being boastful by Wang Po, they were not fools. If they didn't want to, how could they risk their own fate just because of their bragging. When it comes to this matter, Tantai Baiyi has indeed wrongly blamed Shen and Qin.

"What?" Tantai Baiyi looked at Gu Fenghua in surprise, and turned his face sideways, as if he suspected something wrong with his ears.

"We really joined the Academy of the First Academy voluntarily, and it has nothing to do with Junior Sister Shen and Junior Sister Qin." Gu Fenghua repeated.

"Have you offended someone?" This time, Tantai Baiyi finally believed that there was nothing wrong with his ears, and after a moment of silence, he said thoughtfully.

Sure enough, he is an old man, he guessed the truth immediately after seeing Tantai Baiyi, Gu Fenghua and the others secretly admired him.

"Let me just say, why would anyone come to Yiyuan Academy if they are good-looking. Only those who offend people who shouldn't be offended, and who are afraid of being put on small shoes after going there, may choose our Yiyuan Academy." Tantai Baiyi has good eyesight, seeing The expressions of Gu Fenghua and the others knew that they had guessed correctly, so they shook their heads and sighed again.

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