My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1828 She Was Actually Shocked Even More

"Ahem, I'm a little distracted, I'll do it again." Tantai Baiyi's wrinkled face flushed with embarrassment, and he was embarrassed to say anything that you should pay attention to.

Both Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu didn't speak, they just looked at Master with weird expressions.

Tantai Baiyi didn't have the nerve to look into the eyes of the two disciples, lowered his head, and once again concentrated on making handprints one after another. Although he had exhausted all his thoughts and was not distracted at all, the loud "booming" sound still came from time to time, and his handprints were interrupted one after another.

The expressions of Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu also became more and more weird. They could tell that the master's handprint was extremely jerky, and it should have never been used.

After thinking about it carefully, they understood that the power of the beast has been silent for ten thousand years, that is to say, no one has seen this one-yuan heaven and earth stone for ten thousand years. Of course, Master is no exception. How could he use this method? Opportunity for handprints.

With great difficulty, Tantai Baiyi finally finished the whole set of fingerprints with bumps and bumps, but because it was too reluctant, the one-element heaven and earth stone didn't respond at all.

"Let's come here today. You should practice your handprints first, and then try it yourself later." Tantai Baiyi was so ashamed that he couldn't even lift his head when he made such an ugly appearance in front of his disciples. Said.

"Master Yuanzheng, can you let me try." Gu Fenghua said suddenly. After all, she has not formally joined the Yiyuan Academy, so she still has to seek Tantai Baiyi's opinion.

"You were the one who awakened the power of the beast, you can try it however you want." Of course Tantai Baiyi would not object.

In fact, he really hoped that Gu Fenghua would try it too, and only in this way, other people would know how difficult it is to perform this handprint, and it is actually not easy for him to perform it to such an extent.

"Thank you, Mr. Yuanzheng." Gu Fenghua said politely, and then began to make fingerprints.

Tantai Baiyi looked at Gu Fenghua's fingerprints while looking at the two disciples from time to time, his expression was much more relaxed. As long as Gu Fenghua fails, he can prove to his disciples that it's not that the master is weak, but that it's too difficult to perform this mudra.

However, following Gu Fenghua's handprints one after another, Tantai Baiyi looked at the two disciples less and less frequently, until later, both eyes almost grew on Gu Fenghua's hands, and they stared round and round, The whole body began to tremble like sifting rice again.

When the first handprint was made, Gu Fenghua was obviously a little jerky, and he paused for a moment after he finished making the first handprint. After he made the second handprint, he paused for another moment, and then made the third handprint.

Seeing this, Tantai Baiyi thought that she would interrupt midway like herself, but who knew that from the fourth handprint, her movements became faster and faster, and the pause time became shorter and shorter, and then she was flowing freely , as if it had been practiced countless times.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" A voice shouted in Tantai Baiyi's mind.

Although he has never used this set of handprints before, he has practiced them since he was a child. He has practiced for hundreds of years, but he still stumbles when performing them. Gu Fenghua only read them once, except for the slight jerk at the beginning. , and later became more and more familiar, even more familiar than him, even more subtle, how is this possible?

Tantai Baiyi didn't know that Gu Fenghua was even more shocked than him at this moment.

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