My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1836 Means Reappearance of Glory

Seeing this, Shen Zhengxing and the others stroked their beards and smiled, looking at He Kunliang with great satisfaction.

"This is the best, as the so-called impermanence of the world, you join my eight academies, as long as you practice hard, you will achieve limitless achievements in the future, but there are some people who offend people who shouldn't be offended, even if they can be arrogant for a while, they will destroy their future in the end, regret it. , haha...haha..." He Kunliang was full of spirits, drank the fine wine in his glass, and laughed loudly.

But smiling and laughing, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, everyone was looking at him... probably looking behind him, with a similar look of shock on his face.

He Kunliang subconsciously turned his head away, and then, the smile quickly froze on his face, his mouth was slightly opened, and a wisp of wine slowly dripped from the corner of his mouth.

In the southwest direction, a strange light and illusion like an aurora floated in the air, fluttering and swaying, and gradually, a stalwart figure like a mountain peak was condensed.

"Gu... Gu Fenghua!" Although he had just said to be cautious in his words and deeds, a young disciple couldn't help exclaiming Gu Fenghua's name.

As long as you are not blind, you can tell that this figure is exactly the same as the one formed during the day when Gu Fenghua tested his spiritual root aptitude, when the nine strange stones from beyond the sky flourished at the same time, but it was more solid. Even more stalwart, looking at this figure, they can even feel the endless power that is above the nine heavens.

Obviously, the appearance of this strong figure has a lot to do with Gu Fenghua.

"One-Yuan Dao Soul, this is the legendary One-Yuan Dao Soul!" A school history also exclaimed.

"It has been tens of thousands of years, and the One Yuan Academy has awakened the One Yuan Dao Soul again." Another Yuan Zheng also blurted out.

"It seems that the decline of Yiyuan Academy has come to an end, and it will only be a matter of time before it regains its glory." Another academy history said with emotion.

He Kunliang finally came back to his senses, and gave those several court officials winks again and again, but unfortunately, those people were only interested in shock, so they couldn't see his winks.

All around, the eyes of all the disciples fell on He Kunliang again.

Even though they had just arrived at Yidao Academy, they didn't know what the meaning of the One-Yuan Dao Soul was, but they could guess from the words of those school officials that this Yuan Dao-soul was the key to the rise and fall of the One-Yuan Academy.

After ten thousand years, the one-yuan dao soul reappeared, which meant that the one-yuan academy would rise again and regain its former glory.

Earlier it was said that Gu Fenghua's future would be ruined when he came to Yiyuan Academy, but who would have thought that Yiyuan Academy would embark on the road of revitalization so soon.

Even if the Yiyuan Academy may not be stronger than the other eight academies in the short term, but don’t forget that there are only three official disciples of the Yiyuan Academy, and all cultivation resources must be given priority to them, while other academies have more monks and less food, and whoever has the higher achievement in the end , I can think of it with my toes.

Who said Gu Fenghua's future was ruined? Who said Gu Fenghua didn't regret what he did at the beginning? He Kunliang's previous threat was simply self-inflicted.

Seeing the banter in the eyes of all the disciples, He Kunliang's face was burning hot, and he really wanted to find a hole to drill down.

"That's the end of today's banquet. Everyone left earlier, and we will start to practice hard tomorrow." He Kunliang slapped himself in embarrassment. Of course it was uncomfortable, and Shen Zhengxing was also uncomfortable. With a dark face, he got up and said simply.

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