My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1843 The breasts are so small

"By the way, Master, Senior Sister Fenghua and the others haven't apprenticed yet?" After the meal, Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu washed the dishes and prepared to leave. Thinking of something, they turned their heads and said to Tantai Baiyi.

"In a few days, let's talk about it when our One Yuan Academy is established." Tantai Baiyi said.

If it were different from the past, it would not be a big deal to take in a few disciples, everything should be kept simple.

But now that the power of the beast was awakened by Gu Fenghua, she also realized the Yiyuanhuntian mentality in one fell swoop. I believe that soon, the Yiyuan Academy will be carried forward and regain its glory in his hands, so he doesn't want to let it go. After a while, it will be the day of the establishment of the courtyard, and it will be more grand to admit them to the entrance at that time.

"Your Excellency, let's take our leave first." Gu Fenghua and the others did not force themselves, bowed and left the courtyard.

"By the way, are the two senior sisters this year?" Hu Moyu asked Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu while walking.

"Please don't be so genteel, okay? You're not an outsider. Also, don't call us junior sister, we are the same age, and we are both seventeen years old this year. What about you?" Qin Hanyu said.

"No way, you are seventeen years old?" Hu Moyu looked at the two in surprise. He is the youngest in the Jade Maid Sect. He has been a junior junior for so many years. Previously, Shen and Qin were only fifteen or sixteen years old at most. One year older than him.

"Why are you lying to me? Ask Ting Lan if you don't believe me." Qin Hanyu pouted and said.

"We are really seventeen, how old are you?" Shen Tinglan said seriously.

"I'm sixteen this year." Hu Moyu said dejectedly. Although they didn't get along for a long time, he also had some understanding of the temperament of Shen and Qin. He knew that Qin Hanyu might lie to others, but Shen Tinglan would definitely not, which meant that he had to continue to be a junior.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen thought that Hu Moyu was not young before, but now they realized that it was all an illusion caused by a big beard, and his age was much younger than they thought.

"Hahahaha, you will be our little junior from now on, don't worry, senior sister will take good care of you." Qin Hanyu patted Hu Moyu on the head and said with a big laugh.

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense, no matter how you look at it, you are not seventeen years old." Hu Moyu said dejectedly.

"We just look a little smaller. You think we all look like you. You are obviously young, but you wear a big beard to pretend to be mature." Qin Hanyu puffed up her chest and said contemptuously.

"The smaller the face, the smaller it is. Why are the chests so small? It's not as good as mine. Don't you usually eat?" Hu Moyu pointed at her straight but still flat chest, and then looked at Shen Tinglan's With a flatter chest, he said confidently. His eyes were clear when he said this, without any hint of profanity or hooliganism. It's just the tone of simply stating one thing.

"You..." Qin Hanyu and Shen Tinglan were startled for a moment, then their faces turned from white to red, then from red to black, and finally stomped their feet fiercely, turned and ran out.

Both Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen have black lines on their foreheads, well, now they finally know why Hu Moyu always offends people.

"Did I say something wrong again?" Seeing the backs of the two little girls running away, Hu Moyu asked blankly.

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