My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1846 The most important thing is

"Shen Zhengxing of Liangyi Academy, Shi Keyun'an of the Academy, and the disciples of the academy, please see your envoy." Shen Zhengxing, another old man, and the disciples of the academy said in unison.

The nine academies are now headed by Liangyi Academy, and of course they were the ones who spoke first.

"Jiugong Academy's principal, Bai Qiuhan, the school's history, Xiang Longxin, and the academy's disciples, please see your envoy." The principal's history of Jiugong Academy and a group of disciples said afterwards.

"The principal of Liuhe Academy..." The principals of other academies and their disciples also saluted.

Although the voices are not loud, there are hundreds of young disciples in each academy, and they are still full of vigor and vitality when they speak together.

"Yuan Academy is in a tantai white robe, and the disciples of the academy are asking to see the envoy." In contrast, the momentum of Yiyuan Academy is much weaker. After all, other people have hundreds of disciples, and all of them add up to only six people, even if they yell at the top of their voices, they can't yell at others.

"Your envoy has not returned from his wanderings, my lords, please go back." An old voice came from the courtyard.

"Yes." The history of the main courtyard of the main courtyard was originally to show respect, follow the usual practice, and come to see the emperor's envoy, and never expected to see a king's envoy, as long as you do your best, you will lead your disciples after hearing the words back down.

"Master, Senior Sister Fenghua, hurry up, hurry up." After turning around, Qin Hanyu couldn't help urging again.

"What's the rush, the short one is hundreds of thousands of years, and the long one is ten thousand years, don't be in a hurry." Tantai Baiyi reprimanded.

"Aren't I worried? What if the power of the beast remains silent again?" Qin Hanyu certainly knew how long the road to cultivation was, but if the power of the beast fell into silence again, what would be the use of cultivating for 10,000 years. Besides, if she can't comprehend the one-element Daoyun and learn the one-element Huntian mental method, it is impossible for her to live to such a great age.

"There is nothing to worry about. There is Fenghua, and it can be awakened at any time." Luo Enen said disapprovingly.

"That's right, why did I forget about this?" Qin Hanyu patted his head, only to realize that he forgot the most important thing when he was in a hurry.

Since Gu Fenghua can awaken the power of the divine beast once, he can awaken it a second time. As long as she is there, the power of the divine beast will never be silenced again, so why is she in a hurry.

Sure enough, the reappearance of the One Yuan Dao Soul was due to Gu Fenghua. After hearing Qin Hanyu and Luo Enen's words, the disciples of the major academies showed envy.

Last night, the One Yuan Dao Soul reappeared, and they were all full of curiosity. After the banquet was over, they began to inquire about what was going on.

Although they dare not speak directly to the history of the main courtyard, but there are stewards and servants in their homes, and the matter of the one-yuan Daohun is not a big secret in Yidao Academy. After a little inquiry, they There is an answer.

It turned out that the reason why Yiyuan Academy fell was because most of the power of the beast mysteriously disappeared, leaving less than 10%, and this only 10% also fell into a deep sleep, and could no longer touch Yiyuan Daoyun. The strongest inheritance is thus lost.

Now that the power of the beast has awakened, and the one-element Dao soul has reappeared, the disciples of the academy can of course comprehend the strongest inheritance again.

The most important thing is that there are few people in Yiyuan Academy, and there are only six people in the courtyard. As long as you don't be lazy, you can go to Yiyuan Taoist Hall to practice and enlightenment at any time. As for them, there are hundreds of disciples in each academy, and if they line up, they don't know how long it will take to get in line.

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