My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1848 Are you trying to trick him?

"Why wait for another day for revenge, why not come now?" Lonen pressed the hilt of his sword. Although she and the others had nothing bad about what happened yesterday, and coming to Yiyuan Academy can be said to be a blessing in disguise, but she was always suffocated in her heart, and she wanted to take it out on Hua Mingyu a long time ago.

"You ignorant bitch, do you think I'm afraid of you?" Hua Mingyu also pressed down on the hilt of his sword. What he was afraid of was Gu Fenghua, but he was not afraid of Luo Enen.

At this time, a small white flower also floated from Gu Fenghua's ear to the ground, and grew in the wind, turning into a tall monster plant with a sunflower-like huge flower plate, bouncing and jumping towards the flower Ming Yu shook his head. Although he couldn't open his mouth to swear, his desperate posture was very clear.

How dare you be arrogant in front of your master, uncle can bear it, aunt can't bear it, master can bear it, but even lowly people can't bear it!

Seeing this monster plant, many people were surprised. Although they all came from the big and small sects of Wuji Shengtian, and they saw a lot of weird monsters on weekdays, but they really didn't see many such monsters, and they seemed to have a good temper.

Seeing Jianjian, the abuse he suffered that day flashed across his mind like lightning, Hua Mingyu's mind that was already flooded with anger regained a little clarity, and his hand that was about to draw his sword paused slightly.

"Stop, what kind of place do you think this is? If you dare to do something outside the other courtyard of Lord Envoy, are you going to kill yourself?" Shen Zhengxing reprimanded sharply. As the headmaster of Liangyi Academy, if he connives at his disciples doing something in another courtyard, isn't that clearly embarrassing your lord?

Hua Mingyu was like a blow to the head, and then suddenly came back to his senses, and realized where it was, so he quickly let go of the hand holding the hilt of the sword.

Gu Fenghua also hurriedly dragged Jianjian, and dragged back Yaozhi who was about to pounce on Zhang Huawuye.

To be honest, she wasn't too worried about Luo Enen. Don't look at that guy's impulsiveness on the surface, but based on Gu Fenghua's understanding of her, she always felt that she would not be stupid. It would be cheap to do something in such a place. It doesn't matter whether it's crazy or not, and it dares to do anything without dragging it.

"Let's go." Afraid that Hua Mingyu would get confused, Shen Zhengxing gave a stern voice and left quickly.

Hua Mingyu calmed down a little now, glared at Gu Fenghua and Lonen fiercely, suppressed her anger and followed.

"Hmph, I thought it was amazing, and I'm not a bitch." Lonen said contemptuously, and let go of her fingers.

"This is the other courtyard of the envoy, even we dare not do it. You are too impulsive. You must not do this next time." Tantai Baiyi said in fear.

He didn't expect Luo Enen to be so impulsive, and he was completely unprepared. If Luo Enen really made a move just now, he might not have time to stop it.

"Whoever said I was going to do it, I never thought about doing it." Lornen said with a grin.

"Didn't want to go there?" Qin Hanyu was startled for a moment, then came back to his senses, and asked thoughtfully, "Sister Enen, are you trying to trick him?"

"Nonsense, you think I'm as stupid as him. If old man Shen didn't react quickly, I won't kill him." Lornen said triumphantly.

"Senior sister Enen, you are so insidious and despicable." Hu Moyu was silent for a while, and said with emotion on his face.

"Can you speak? My name is smart, witty, and wise!" Lonen gave Hu Moyu a hard look, and the fool was talking nonsense again. Forget it, don't argue with fools.

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