The exquisite facial features, coupled with a slightly lazy and mysterious charm, are even more picturesque, making it impossible to tell his (her) gender.

"Ah? Is it the son's savior?" The old man was very surprised. With the strength of the son, you still need that girl to save him? However, thinking of his personal vicious taste, the old man seemed to understand something.

"Then, do you want to help her? Although the Dao Soul has reappeared in the One Yuan Academy, but the power of the beast is gone, it will be difficult for her to stay in the One Yuan Academy." The old man thought for a while and said.

"No need for now, let her practice first." The beautiful man thought for a while and said.

"That's right, the path of cultivation is full of ups and downs. It's not a bad thing to practice more when you are young. Only by suffering through hardships can you become a master." The old man straightened up slightly, and said with deep emotion.

"Actually, I just want to see her look downcast. It should be fun." The beautiful man said seriously, holding his chin.

"Uh..." The old man was speechless, but a few black air emerged from the deep wrinkles on his forehead. Should it be said that the young master is worthy of being that person's apprentice? This vicious taste is so indescribable.

"She seems to have offended the Hua family." The old man reminded weakly.

"So what if you offend the Hua family, do they still dare to come to a school to play wild?" the beautiful man said disdainfully.

"Of course the Hua family doesn't dare, but Hua Qianfeng..." The old man paused at this point.

"Hua Qianfeng." The beautiful man smiled lightly, "If he does what he should do honestly, that's all. If he dares to act recklessly, no one can protect him!"

As he spoke, the smile on his face faded and the chill grew stronger. When the last word came out, that beautiful face was already as cold as frost.


In One Yuan Academy, Luo Enen was concentrating on doing her fingerprints. On her face, instead of the usual carefree smile, as if a tall man was holding her face when the sky fell, she became extremely solemn.

Beside, except for Gu Fenghua, the expressions of the others are even more serious than hers.

Luo Enen's handprints were printed one after another, each one seemed to weigh a thousand catties, each one seemed to use up all the holy energy, all the divine thoughts, and a thin layer of sweat oozed from her forehead, and even her face changed. Very pale.

Finally, Luo Enen made the last handprint. On the huge One-Yuan Heaven and Earth Stone, extremely shallow light patterns rippled like ripples, enveloping her.

However, no matter whether Luo Enen himself or the people around him, there was no excitement on their faces, only disappointment that could not be concealed.

This is the third time. Ever since Tantai Baiyi taught them the one-yuan handprint, Luo Enen immediately began to try it. Although every time, the power of the beast can be activated to touch the Dao Yun, the Dao Yun is extremely weak. It is far from being able to compare with the Dao Yun touched by Gu Fenghua yesterday.

Three times in a row, it was the same result. Even though Gu Fenghua gave pointers later, Luo Enen tried his best, but there was no exception.

If this dao rhyme is only weak, it's fine, and if you study it carefully, you can gain something, but it lasts for a very short time. When Shen Tinglan and others were secretly disappointed, the dao rhyme had disappeared. Lornen opened his eyes in frustration, and he seemed to know that he didn't have any insight at all.

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