Although it can't compare with the Dao Soul touched by Gu Fenghua, such phantom Dao Soul is enough to inspire anyone.

Luo Enen was overjoyed and almost let out a loud cry, but in the end he suppressed his excitement and closed his eyes to comprehend with all his heart.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Dao Yun slowly disappeared, and Luo Enen also opened his eyes.

"I've realized it, I've realized it, it must be the one-yuan-huntian mentality." As soon as Luo Enen opened his eyes, he could no longer suppress his excitement, and almost cried with joy.

Hu Moyu, Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu looked at Luo Enen with expressions of envy. Tantai Baiyi, however, felt like he had just woken up from a dream, he rushed forward with a stride, and pressed his palm on the One Yuan Heaven and Earth Stone.

"The power of a divine beast is actually the power of a divine beast!" After a long time, Tantai Baiyi withdrew his palm and said, because he was too excited, his whole body trembled violently and he felt the wind of chicken paws.

"What is the power of a beast?" Hu Moyu and the others looked over curiously.

If it's just Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu, that's all. Seeing Hu Moyu's curious eyes and that big beard, Tantai Baiyi shuddered, and his mood calmed down suddenly, and the chicken feet wind didn't twitch up.

"We all blamed it wrongly. It was not destroying the one-element heaven and earth stone to vent its energy, but injecting the power of the beast." Tantai Baiyi glanced at the over-exerted Qijian, who was clearly a little bit languid, and said ashamedly.

"Ah!" Hu Moyu and others were surprised when they heard this.

"But where did it get the power of the beast?" Qin Hanyu was the first to react, thought for a while, and then asked, "And Master, didn't you say that only the power of the beast corresponding to the one-element Dao Soul can touch Dao Yun?" , even if you have the power of a beast, it is impossible to touch the one-element daoyun."

"Yeah, I also find it strange that the power of the beast it injects is indeed different from the original one, but it erases the original spirit of the beast and forcibly integrates it into the original power of the beast. For one thing, although the power of the divine beast has increased several times, the spirit of the divine beast is still the original spiritual meaning, just like we increase the holy energy by taking holy pills, no matter how strong the holy energy is, it is still our own holy spirit. gas.

I have never heard of such a method, and there is no record in ancient books, and I don't know if it can be done? "Tantai Baiyi glanced at Jianjian again, and said in bewilderment.

"What!" After hearing Tantai Baiyi's words, the others were equally puzzled, but Gu Fenghua was taken aback.

Seeing Jianjian's unexpected and astonishing act just now, and hearing the word "whip the corpse" that Lonen said, she immediately guessed that since Jianjian can use the method of whipping the corpse to forcibly arouse the hidden beast in the body It is very likely that it can also use the same method to inject the power of the beast in its body into the one-element heaven and earth stone.

Of course, Gu Fenghua didn't think that this little cheap flower would be so generous. In order to vent her anger or help Luo Enen, she selflessly dedicated the power of the beast that it had so hard to get. In her mind, this was probably only temporary. After helping Lornen, she would definitely take back the power of the beast again. These monster pets of hers are very stingy, even Xiao Xiongzai and Jiaoju are not willing to share their own snacks with others, let alone their own power of beasts.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you think of a way, since it can help Lornen, it can help other people. Anyway, it's too busy all day long, so it's good to think of it as a exercise.

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