My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1857 cheap, fresh and refined remarks

"However, it thinks that Hua Mingyu's mouth smells bad, and he thinks that Old Man Shen is not a good person, so he let the power of the beast sleep for a while. After all, he lost half of it, which is considered a serious injury. It should be more rest, so as not to stay It is also for the good of Liangyi Academy." Gu Fenghua added, but his voice became smaller and smaller afterward.

Obviously, the former words are the real purpose of Jianjian, and the latter is just pure nonsense to set up an archway for itself.

The people in Tantai Baiyi were sweating like rain, and looking at the "pure and clean" white petals of Jianjian, how could it feel so black, even the stamens were black.

It's nothing more than stealing half of other people's power of the beast, but the other half has also been put into a deep sleep by others. Does Shen Zhengxing have to live? Tantai Baiyi has even imagined the scene of Shen Zhengxing crying on his back in grief.

If this kind of thing happened to him, he would definitely cry a lot.

They finally realized that what is pure, what is cute, what is pure and pure, it is all fake, fake, there is no Yaozhi with a darker belly than her in the whole world.

Jianjian didn't pay attention to the gazes of the people in Tantai Baiyi at all, and started bouncing up and down again, looking at the movements, there seemed to be a very strange rhythm.

"What did it say again?" Tantai Baiyi asked nervously.

"It didn't say anything this time, it was singing?" Gu Fenghua said.

"What song?" Hu Moyu asked curiously.

"Cough...cough..., it's not a sin for a man to cry, to taste the tears after a long absence, even if it rains, it's a kind of beauty, why don't you seize this opportunity, cry bitterly, cry bitterly... hey... Eh...heh..." Gu Fenghua coughed twice to clear his throat, and then sang along with Jianjian with no expression on his face.

Thus, in Tantai Baiyi's mind, the image of Shen Zhengxing standing in the rain, crying with grief on his back once again appeared. The strange thing is, why does he want to laugh so much when the picture is obviously very sad and miserable?

Hu Moyu and Shen Tinglan also had strange expressions. They obviously felt very sad, but they really wanted to laugh, but they were too embarrassed to laugh out loud. They were extremely uncomfortable, and their skin was about to cramp. Seeing Jianjian shaking his head and tail, several people finally came to a kind of understanding: this monster plant is not only shameless and black-bellied, but also very cheap, very cheap!

Luo Enen is habitual, looking at Gu Fenghua with admiration: It is obviously such a sad song, why is it so full of joy when she sings it expressionlessly?

It wasn't until Gu Fenghua's singing stopped for a long time that Tantai Baiyi and the others returned to their usual moods of both sadness and joy.

"Master, what should we do now?" Shen Tinglan asked Tantai Baiyi.

"Oh, I don't know what to do, or else, let's just do it." Tantai Baiyi frowned and said. Now, what else can he do, is it possible to return the power of the beast? Even if he thinks so in his heart, he can't do it.

"That's it?" Shen Tinglan was a little conflicted. From an early age, Master taught them to be upright and innocent. As time went by, this became their unshakable belief in life. When they thought of the power of the beast in the One Yuan Heaven and Earth Stone, it was "borrowed" from Liangyi Academy , she had a knot in her heart.

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