My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1859 The whole person is floating

"That's what I said, but Gu Fenghua does have some qualifications. If you can avoid provoking her, it's better not to provoke her." Despite this, Shen Zhengxing still persuaded him earnestly.

He has lived such an old age and has seen too many ups and downs, his experience is not comparable to Hua Mingyu. He has already realized that with Gu Fenghua's talent, it is very difficult for him to cure her, and it is better to stay away from her than to make trouble again.

"Master, you are afraid of her, but she is just a young girl, so what if she has some aptitude, the power of beasts in Yiyuan Academy is only 10%, so she has achieved nothing in the end?" Hua Mingyu curled her lips, disapproving Said.

"As a teacher and the head of a school, how can I be afraid of a little girl? I just respect my status and don't want to have the same knowledge as her. Also, don't underestimate her. No matter how I look at it, I think this girl is extraordinary. If you provoke her, God knows when disaster will strike." Of course, Shen Zhengxing would not admit that he was afraid of Gu Fenghua, and was humiliated by Hua Mingyu, so he scolded him heavily. This is also his experience and lesson. Didn't he almost ruin his reputation all his life because he underestimated Gu Fenghua yesterday?

"I know, I know, I just don't provoke her." Seeing that Master's face was getting worse and worse, Hua Mingyu didn't dare to argue with him, and said perfunctorily, but obviously didn't take Shen Zhengxing's words to heart.

Of course, Shen Zhengxing could see that he didn't take his own words seriously, but seeing the dandyism on his face, he felt a little helpless.

If he changed to another disciple, he could still slam his face and yell at him loudly. If it didn't work, he could still wait on him according to the rules of the courtyard, or even expel him from the teacher's school. But Hua Mingyu is Hua Mingfeng's nephew, so how can he show such face? have to come down.

"Master, we have already drawn the lottery." At this time, the other disciples had finished the lottery and said respectfully.

"Then let's step forward to comprehend the rhyme of Dao. Everyone has half an hour. We must go all out and don't slack off in the slightest." Shen Zhengxing didn't have the time to persuade Hua Mingyu, and said to everyone with an earnest face. .

Before the lottery, he had already taught everyone the Liangyi handprints. These disciples were genius elites from various sects, and their aptitudes were not bad. Teach once.

Those disciples already knew the origin of this powerful Dao Yun, and also knew how beneficial it would be if they comprehended it, so they would not miss the opportunity. When they spoke, they had already consciously lined up.

"Brother Hua should come first." However, the disciple at the front didn't do anything, but looked at Hua Mingyu politely and said.

"That's right, Senior Brother Hua got started earlier than us, so please invite Senior Brother Hua to come again." The other disciples didn't object, they all agreed.

Those who can be selected by their respective sects to come to a school to practice and practice, may not necessarily have aptitude far superior to other fellow sects. It's one thing to have good aptitude, and it's another thing to have a lively temper that will please the suzerain.

Now that we know that Hua Mingyu has already joined Shen Zhengxing's sect long before the opening of a school to accept disciples, it is not difficult to imagine how much Shen Zhengxing values ​​him, and to give him this face no matter what, this is also to honor Mr. Yuan Zheng .

"Then I would like to thank all my juniors." Hua Mingyu didn't know how to write the word "modesty". Hearing this, his face burst into smiles, and he was about to float into the sky.

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