My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1862 Isn't that embarrassing me?

"Go." Shen Zhengxing looked at Sheng Shiyi, waved his hand and said. Hua Mingyu failed one after another, of course he also lost face, so he didn't have the energy to pay attention to him.

Hua Mingyu shook her head vigorously, and made her handprint again. But he had tried twice before, and the holy energy in his body had long been on the verge of exhaustion. He kept concentrating his spiritual thoughts, and there was a tingling pain in his mind. He only made a dozen handprints, and his whole body was in cold sweat, and his body was also crumbling. His handprints were so messed up that people couldn't bear to look directly at them.

Finally, after making the last handprint, the Liangyi Tiandi Stone was still motionless, but Hua Mingyu's feet were limp and he collapsed to the ground.

"Hua Mingyu, what are you doing? This is how you comprehend Daoyun?" Seeing Hua Mingyu's messy handprints and seeing the same disappointing result, Shen Zhengxing was angry and angry, and did not wait for others. When people opened their mouths, they cursed loudly.

Even if he finds Hua Mingyu more and more distasteful, but after all, he is the first disciple he accepts at the opening of the academy, and for Hua Qianfeng's sake, he will give him everything Professor, so as not to spoil his name. But who would have thought that this would be the result.

Those disciples who were accepted before, no matter how mediocre their aptitude, could touch some dao rhyme to some extent, but when it came to Hua Mingyu, the Liangyi Tiandi Stone did not respond. He had checked Hua Mingyu's aptitude before, and it was actually not bad. The reason why this happened was that there was only one possibility. He hadn't paid any attention at all, and completely ignored his advice.

It's fine if you don't want to make progress yourself, but if you behave like a waste, isn't that embarrassing my old face? The more Shen Zhengxing thought about it, the angrier he became, he really wanted to slap Hua Mingyu hard on the face.

"Master, I have really tried my best, but the power of the beast did not respond at all, as if it was asleep." Seeing the disappointment and anger on Shen Zhengxing's face, Hua Mingyu was full of grievances. .

He really tried his best, tried his best, and was even so tired that he was about to vomit blood, but the power of the beast was completely silent, as if falling into a deep sleep, and he couldn't be blamed for that.

"It's fine if you don't work hard yourself, but you still dare to argue!" Shen Zhengxing became even more angry, cursing and making his handprints.

These disciples don't know the details of Liangyi Academy now, as the principal, doesn't he know? The reason why Liangyi Academy surpasses other academies and becomes the first of the nine academies is because the power of the beasts contained in these two Yitiandi stones is stronger than other academies, so it is easier to feel the profound Taoist rhyme through this Mystery, to cultivate more strong.

Originally, the power of this beast was far superior to other academies, and Hua Mingyu learned the Liangyi handprints in advance, as well as Hua Qianfeng's private guidance. It can be said that he took advantage of it, but he couldn't feel the slightest dao rhyme, and he dared to do so prevaricate. How could he teach other disciples if he couldn't see and hear clearly?

Soon, Shen Zhengxing made more than a dozen handprints, but, like Hua Mingyu, the Liangyi Tiandi Stone did not move at all.

"Huh..." Shen Zhengxing's expression gradually became serious, and the speed of making fingerprints was much slower.

If it was said that he was just trying to make things right and didn't give Hua Mingyu the opportunity to continue sophistry, then now, he really noticed something strange and started to take it seriously.

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