Soon, a figure broke through the protective barrier of Yiyuan Academy and came to Shen Zhengxing's side.

"Master Yuanzheng, what's the matter with you? What are you doing here at Yiyuan Academy?" The visitor gathered his breath to transmit sound, and asked in surprise and puzzlement. It was Ke Yun'an, the principal of Liangyi Academy.

Shen Zhengxing shattered the Liangyi life-and-death talisman, and all disciples of Liangyi Academy would receive a warning call for help. However, due to their limited strength and not strong spiritual sense, they could not detect the location of the warning call for a while, so Only Ke Yunan arrived in time.

Where Shen Zhengxing could speak, he could only look at Ke Yun'an pitifully.

Ke Yun'an has worked with Shen Zhengxing for many years, and this is the first time he has seen him in such a state of distress. Just by looking at his helpless eyes, he knew that Mr. Yuanzheng was in a very bad situation, so he quickly hugged him with one hand and left quickly.

After all, this is a one-yuan academy, no matter why the dean came here, it cannot be explained if it spreads. Even if he doesn't consider Shen Zhengxing's reputation, he must consider the reputation of Liangyi Academy.

All the way without hindrance, Ke Yun'an brought Shen Zhengxing back to Liangyi Academy very quickly.

At this time, the Liangyi Academy was full of noise and noise. I only knew the magical effect of the Liangyi Life and Death Talisman in the morning, and I received a warning call in the evening. I don’t know if there are brothers from the same school who are in danger, or whether it is the master of the school who is testing them. In short, , All the disciples did not neglect, and quickly got up from the bed.

"What happened?"

"Is one of my classmates in danger?"

"Why didn't you see Lord Yuanzheng?" A disciple with disheveled clothes put his hand on the hilt of his sword and asked each other for news.

Before Ke Yun'an entered the academy, he heard the noise inside, and secretly groaned in his heart. If the disciples were to see Master Yuanzheng's appearance at this time, let alone how to explain it to outsiders, even his own disciples would not be able to explain it.

There was no other way, Ke Yun'an could only release his spiritual thoughts, and circled around the courtyard wall. Outside the courtyard wall of the backyard, there were obviously fewer disciples gathered. Ke Yun'an seized the opportunity and flew past the wall.

Fortunately, when it landed, the nearest disciples were all ten feet away, and they didn't notice any movement. Ke Yunan breathed a sigh of relief, and ran towards the residence with Shen Zhengxing in his arms.

While running, he secretly rejoiced: Fortunately, he was careful when he went out and wore a black robe, otherwise he would have avoided these disciples. After all, they are all elite disciples of various sects. Even if their strength is weaker and their spiritual sense is weaker, their eyesight is not too bad. It is really not easy to avoid them.

"Who is it, stop!" Unfortunately, before Ke Yun'an was happy, he heard a loud shout.

Then, I heard the humming and long cry of the long sword unsheathed, and then I saw a series of figures flying past, gathering from all directions.

"He Fangxiao is young, how dare you come to my Liangyi Academy to steal chickens and dogs, and don't stop me!" Several disciples who rushed to the front stabbed out with a sword without any politeness.

With their strength, of course it is impossible to hurt Ke Yun'an, even if Ke Yun'an wants to take their lives, it is easy for him to kill them, but what he is most afraid of now is that the whereabouts of Mr. Yuanzheng will be revealed and it is difficult to explain.

The few disciples who made the move now have just come to a school after all, and they have a lot of worries in their hearts, and they dare not use their full strength when they make a move, but if he hurts a few people, the other disciples will definitely fight together with the enemy in order to defend against the "strong enemy" If you fight, it will make a big fuss.

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