My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1884 Master's Terrible Medical Skills

Seeing this shit stirring stick stirring back and forth in the soup, Ke Yun'an exhausted all his strength, all his mind, and all his will to resist the urge to vomit. But this time, he didn't say anything more.

Medicinal herbs are born from heaven and earth, this shit stick... by the way, it should be the medicine stick that is subjected to wind, frost and rain every day, and it is more spiritual and grounded, and the curative effect of the soup is better. No need to ask, he can think of the answer.

It's no wonder that Master Yan's alchemy attainments have found a new way. All kinds of whimsical ideas are admired by the alchemy masters from the Holy Sect, and they even ask him for advice in private. Understand, since you don't understand, then don't say anything more.

Besides, he is not the one to drink the soup anyway, Master Yan can stir it however he likes, he can stir it however he likes, let him do it... well, this is the main reason.

Not long after, a jar of steaming hot concoction was ready, but the colorful color, the sticky appearance, and the sour smell that lingered after boiling for so long, how could it be so similar to... ...Forget it, don't think about it anymore, if you think about it again, Ke Yuanshi will really spit it out.

"Your Majesty, the taste of this soup may not be very good, but the taste of good medicine is good for the disease, so just bear with it, come on, open your mouth." Master Yan picked up the scalding medicine and said to Shen Zhengxing like coaxing a child.

Shen Zhengxing looked at Master Yan in horror, not knowing whether to open his mouth or not. But no matter whether he should open his mouth or not, he can't open it, if he could open it, he would have vomited long ago.

"Why did I forget that Mr. Yuanzheng is poisoned and can't open his mouth." Master Yan said, slapping his forehead heavily.

"Let me do it." Ke Yun'an reached out to support Shen Zhengxing's chin.

"Don't bother, even if you open his chin, he won't be able to swallow it, I'll do it." Master Yan stretched out his left hand, pinched Shen Zhengxing's chin and pulled it down.

"Crack!" Master Yuan Zheng dislocated his jaw and opened his mouth wide open.

Ke Yun'an wiped his forehead secretly, he is worthy of being a master of alchemy. Seeing how skillful and easy Master Yan's movements are, you can tell that he has practiced a lot. However, isn't it a little too violent? This is Mr. Yuanzheng, you don't have to be afraid that he will never end with you after he recovers.

Ke Yun'an didn't know what kind of violence this was, and more violence was yet to come.

Master Yan pulled Mr. Yuanzheng's chin away with his left hand, and immediately conjured a thick bamboo tube with his right hand like a magic trick, and inserted it into Mr. Yuanzheng's mouth with lightning speed, then took the medicine juice and drank it down .

"Gudong! Gudong" As the medicine juice in the medicine jar continued to decrease, Shen Zhengxing's eyes swelled up like toads, and he kept rolling his eyes, and his old face was flushed with suffocation.

"Huh..." Ke Yun'an was so cold that he couldn't wipe it off.

Violence, it was too violent. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really wouldn't have known that Master Yan's medical methods were so violent, and he wasn't afraid to suffocate Mr. Yuan Zheng to death.

Wait, why does this scene look familiar? It seems that I have seen the same scene a long, long, long time ago, but unfortunately it is too long ago, so I can't remember it.

Finally, a jar of medicinal juice was poured down, and when Master Yan pulled out the bamboo tube and patted his chin to help him close, Mr. Yuanzheng was already stretched out like a dead fish, and his eyes were turned black. The white eyes that were missing were filled with fear and sorrow.

It's terrible, the medical skills of this master Dan Dao are really terrible. If he had a choice, he would rather just lie down like this for the rest of his life, rather than suffer this living crime.

Living crime? Obviously, Master Yuanzheng still underestimated Master Yan's medical skills.

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