I was tortured so badly by the cattle veterinarian last time. Every time I think about it, my hands and feet are cold and my whole body feels cold, and I even have nightmares at night. It is time to nourish my spirit.

"Master is not in good health yet, how can I calm down?" Hua Mingyu said with a worried look.

He is actually not stupid, he knows that if he offends his master, it will do him no good, it's just that he has been spoiled since he was a child, and once his temper comes up, no one can hold him back. Then she was punished by Shen Zhengxing to think behind closed doors, and as soon as she calmed down, she quickly pretended to be filial and well-behaved, trying to win back Master's favor.

"It's rare that you have such filial piety. Then you don't have to think about it behind closed doors. Go to the Taoist hall with your juniors to study the Taoist rhyme. When I come back, I will teach you personally." Hua Mingyu's painstaking efforts were not in vain. Thinking of his past few days Shen Zhengxing was a little moved by the meticulous service in front of and behind the bed, and his tone became much more relaxed, and he decided to give him a little treat.

Speaking of it, Hua Mingyu can be regarded as the first disciple he has accepted for the opening of the school. If his strength is not good, he will be the one who will be ashamed.

By the way, Ke Yun'an's guess was correct. It took less than ten days for the beast power of the Liangyi Tiandi Stone to wake up, and the disciples had already begun to comprehend the Dao Yun.

"Thank you, Master. This disciple must obey Master's teachings, cultivate hard, and never disappoint Master's love." Hua Mingyu was overjoyed, and kowtowed with a bang.

"Go, practice hard." Shen Zhengxing waved his hand and said.

Although the poison on his body has been cured, he also has a bad problem. As long as he talks for a while, he feels short of breath, and his body is also very tired. However, he looked up and down carefully, but he couldn't find any trace of it. inappropriate. After much deliberation, most likely he was tortured too badly by the bull veterinarian, which hurt his mind.

This cattle veterinarian will take care of him sooner or later. After calming down, Shen Zhengxing gave up the idea of ​​killing people to silence him, but his hatred for Yan honestly did not diminish in the slightest.

"Yes, yes, I'll go right away." Hua Mingyu got up and walked outside happily. Under the excitement, it is inevitable to get carried away, and the whole person walks sideways.

"By the way, don't cause trouble, especially Gu Fenghua, don't provoke her again." Seeing this, Shen Zhengxing couldn't help reminding him again.

He suffered such a big loss out of nowhere, of course he was unwilling to let it go, but now that his health is still not good, he feels short of breath even after speaking a few words, no matter how much he hates Gu Fenghua, he can only endure it temporarily. If he doesn't do it himself, he certainly doesn't want Hua Mingyu to startle the snake.

"Oh." As soon as Gu Fenghua was mentioned, Hua Mingyu's stomach was full of sulking, and she wanted to follow the master's tone, but she couldn't help but say, "Master, still In my opinion, the problems with the power of the beasts in our Liangyi Academy are mostly caused by Gu Fenghua's tricks.

It's fine if she doesn't deal with me, but she actually plotted against our Liangyi Academy. This clearly means that she doesn't take Master and you seriously, and wants to put our Liangyi Academy to death! "

No wonder some people say that the person who understands you best in this world is not necessarily your friend, but often your enemy. Hua Mingyu just wanted to tell tales and create some hatred for Gu Fenghua, but she actually hit the point.

"Oh?" Shen Zhengxing was a little surprised to see Hua Mingyu's clear words. This broom star doesn't seem to be so stupid, it really made him guess right.

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