He Kunliang made a series of handprints, and saw light patterns flowing, and soon, an arch that was both illusory and illusory appeared in front of his eyes.

Space seal! Obviously, behind this arch is a separate and independent training space.

"Inside is the trial place of our first school, called a Sumeru Realm, you go." He Kunliang said with the air of the school history.

The others didn't move, they just looked at Gu Fenghua and the others. In this trial, most of the others chose the yellow-rank mission, only a few chose the mysterious-rank mission, and none of them chose the earth-rank mission. Gu Fenghua and the others actually chose the sky-rank mission. Regardless of the final result, this Courage is still admirable, and they have to show respect no matter what.

Gu Fenghua didn't hesitate, nodded, looked at Tantai Baiyi again, gave a reassuring look, and led Luo Enen and others towards the arched door.

In a flash, several people had disappeared.

"I didn't expect that they would dare to choose the heavenly mission for the first trial, which is really admirable." Until then, someone couldn't help but speak.

"Yes, I heard that since the establishment of Yidao Academy, there are only a handful of people who dare to participate in the heaven-level trial within three years of admission, and each of them will later become a generation of powerhouses who are famous all over the world." Others also sighed. Said.

"Admiration, other people call it strength, they are just looking for death, especially that Gu Fenghua, who overestimates his own strength and wants to look for death, that's all, and even drags his companions to look for death, One Yuan Academy, sooner or later it will be destroyed in her hands. "In the exclamation, there was an extremely discordant voice.

No need to look, everyone can guess who is speaking. Besides Hua Mingyu, who else has such a big grudge with Gu Fenghua? As soon as he seized the opportunity, he wanted to pounce on her and bite her twice, but he didn't have the courage, so he only dared to sneer behind her back.

To be honest, they despised Hua Mingyu to the extreme for acting like a villain, but no one refuted it.

Although Hua Mingyu's words are ugly, but when you think about it carefully, it is not completely unreasonable. Gu Fenghua chose the heavenly trial task by himself, and he even brought Shen Tinglan and others with him. It really tastes like courting death.

Doesn't she know how difficult and dangerous this day-level trial task is? Does she really want to destroy the Yiyuan Academy!

At this time, they didn't know that because of Hua Mingyu, Gu Fenghua's trial was more dangerous than they imagined, but the result was completely different from what they imagined.

Soon, other academy disciples also held trial jade cards and entered a Sumeru realm. Hua Mingyu didn't follow, but looked at Hua Qianfeng hesitantly.

"Follow me." Hua Qianfeng glanced at him and said in a deep voice.

Hua Mingyu hurried forward a few steps, and followed him to a quiet room, where Hua Qianfeng usually practiced.

"What do you want to say?" Hua Qianfeng asked after making a few soundproof handprints to make sure no one would hear their conversation.

"Third Uncle, can you enter and exit a Sumeru Realm at will?" Hua Mingyu said eagerly.

"It's a bit difficult to go in and out at will, but it's not impossible." Hua Qianfeng replied proudly.

"Then can you find Gu Fenghua?" Hua Mingyu asked with a hint of joy on his face.

"What do you want to do?" Hua Qianfeng frowned and asked.

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