My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1922 Bai Rong and Appearance

However, Gu Fenghua had already memorized the whole set of formulas in his heart, so it didn't affect him. According to the dictation, Gu Fenghua began to release his spiritual thoughts, walking in Taixu, walking on the spiritual platform... After the holy bead, the two spiritual roots, one red and one gold, swayed again, as if they were blowing with the wind. Gu Fenghua condensed her eyes slightly, and probed away with her spiritual sense again. A wonderful world also appeared in front of her "eyes".

Between the heaven and the earth, there is a vast void. The aura of heaven and earth, which is invisible, colorless and tasteless, seems to have a substance, and it presents different colors. Each color contains different powers of the five elements. Gold is naturally gold, green is wood, blue is water, red is fire, and yellow is earth. The aura of heaven and earth, which was originally integrated, was simply separated in this way.

The five kinds of auras from heaven and earth, which are completely different, but mutually generate and restrain each other, sprinkle down to nourish all things. And each kind of exotic flowers and herbs has a very different speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of the world, and the types they need are also slightly different. Take the Lanmei Tianxing Vine that I have seen before as an example. The speed at which it absorbs water-type aura is obviously higher than that of other auras. It needs more gold-type aura, indicating that its attributes should be biased toward gold.

Of course, now is not the time to study the attributes of exotic flowers and plants, the most urgent task is to find the ice fire red golden fruit. After observing carefully for a while, Gu Fenghua found that the aura of heaven and earth flows slowly all the time, and the aura of water, fire, and metal flows faster than the other two, and they all flow in the same direction.

There is no doubt that that is the direction where the Binghuo Chijinguo is!

Sure enough, the root of the holy spirit can still be used in this way. Gu Fenghua was both excited and delighted. He wanted to ask Gui Yezi what the name of the envoy's spirit root formula was, but unfortunately he had been silent for a long time. Can't find the answer.

Fortunately, knowing that he was only once again trapped by the space seal of the Yaomu Ding, Gu Fenghua was relieved and did not need to worry about him.

"Senior Sister Fenghua, have you figured out a way?" Qin Hanyu asked expectantly when Gu Fenghua opened his eyes with a faint smile on his lips.

Gu Fenghua nodded, and looked in the direction of Binghuo Chijinguo. Immediately afterwards, she smiled, with a look of shock in her eyes.

Shen Tinglan and the others followed her gaze. Immediately, their expressions froze, and their eyes widened in surprise.

I saw a slender figure dressed in white approaching from a distance, that beautiful face even made people lose their minds for a while.

Bai Rongyu, it turned out to be Bai Rongyu, Gu Fenghua never expected that he would meet this man who was almost monstrously beautiful here.

"Ah, why is he here? Fenghua, why did this guy come here?" Lonen was not as calm as Gu Fenghua, and immediately exclaimed.

"Senior Sister Fenghua, Senior Sister Enen, do you know each other?" Qin Hanyu asked curiously after recovering from the astonishment.

"We met once, so we should be considered friends. It's strange, why did she come here?" Gu Fenghua nodded, and said in a strange way.

Of course, she wouldn't recognize all the sect disciples who entered a school together, but with her powerful divine sense, she always had a little impression of each of them, and she could be sure that Bai Rong and Absolute Not among them.

"It seems that he is not wearing the holy robe of our school. How did he get in?" After all, he grew up among women. The holy robes of the Academy are somewhat different, and there is no logo of the Academy on the embroidered corner of the clothes.

"I see, he must be a disciple of the Holy Sect." Qin Hanyu explained.

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