"All come with me." Gu Fenghua saw that everyone's physical strength had almost recovered, and he hurried towards the direction where the three elements of gold, water and fire gathered.

As she was on her way, she continued to run the mantra, and used the two innate holy spirit roots to sense the changes in the aura of that day. As the saying goes, all things have spirits, and some extremely high-grade natural materials and earthly treasures often have a trace of spirituality, and even move and change positions by themselves. The Ice Fire Red Spirit Fruit is so hard to find, of course the grade is not low, Gu Fenghua dare not be careless.

Sure enough, just as she thought, the aura of heaven and earth around her was normal on the surface, but if she sensed it carefully with the roots of the innate holy spirit, she would find that the direction in which the aura of the three elements of gold, water, and fire converged was quietly changing. No big deal, everything is under her control.

Not only Luo Enen, but Shen Tinglan and the others did not have any doubts about Gu Fenghua's words. Seeing that she had already left, they didn't even hesitate, and hurriedly followed. But before leaving, Luo Enen still greeted Bai Rongyu, "Brother Bai, don't waste your energy, come quickly."

"Without using formations, can she really find the Ice Fire Chijin Fruit? Could it be that she actually knows the legendary method of controlling spirits?" Bai Rongyu was stunned for a moment, then murmured to himself in disbelief, and put away the unused fine gold and mithril. followed.

Although they didn't encounter any danger in the previous ten days, and they didn't even see the shadow of a monster, Gu Fenghua and others still didn't dare to be careless. They still tried their best to save their holy energy along the way, and the speed was the same as before. Unhurriedly, unknowingly, nearly half a month has passed.

Although so far, no Bingyu Chijin Fruit has been seen, but no one doubts Gu Fenghua's judgment.

Even Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu, who are the weakest, can feel that the spiritual energy of the surrounding world has undergone some subtle changes, infiltrating it, sometimes the cold air forces the body as if falling into an ice cave, sometimes it is steaming like being in a stove, and sometimes it is hot. The awe-inspiring killing intent made the heart throb. Thinking of the name of the Ice Fire Chijin Fruit, several people had an intuition that they were getting closer and closer to this treasure of heaven and earth.

"It seems that she really understands the method of controlling spirits. It's really not easy to see her face when she is in trouble." Even Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu can detect things, and of course Bai Rongyu is no exception. He touched his chin, and said to himself with a bit of joking, but there was clearly a bit of deep worry in his eyes.

"We're here." Passing through a long and narrow valley, Gu Fenghua suddenly stopped.

Ahead, a mountain peak towers straight into the sky, and one side of the stone wall is as clean as a mirror, as if someone had split it with a long sword. On the side facing Gu Fenghua and the others, there are green grasses blooming in full bloom.

And among these strange flowers and plants, red golden fruits are shrouded in the faint white mist and fluttering red flames. It feels as if they were originally surrounded by ice, but now the ice is in the heat of the flames again. Like melting.

What is even more surprising is that this fruit has no stems and no leaves, as if it had grown out of the ground, but it released a strong vitality.

There is no doubt that this is the Binghuo Chijin Fruit, which is completely conceived by the aura of the three elements of gold, water and fire.

"We found it, we finally found it!" Qin Hanyu cheered and rushed towards the hillside.

"Wait." But before she could leave, Bai Rongyu had already stood in front of her.

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