My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1938 With the help of Senior Brother Bai

As soon as Gu Fenghua rushed into that layer of wind blades, he immediately helped Lonen bandage and heal his wounds. With Luo Enen's cultivation base of the eighth rank of Profound Sage, of course, his physique is far superior to that of ordinary people. If it is an ordinary minor injury, it can be healed quickly without treatment, but the power contained in this wind blade is no less than that of the strong Holy Qi, even a small injury will damage the meridians, and it is not so easy to heal itself, and it must be treated in time.

After treating the wounds, several people immediately took the holy pill and practiced again to recover.

A few days later, several people regained their sanctity and stood up again, but they did not rush to make a move, but discussed briefly, and then Bai Rongyu quickly arranged the formation.

"It seems that this level of wind blade is stronger, and finally we have to rely on Senior Brother Bai's formation." Hu Moyu looked at it from a distance for a while, and said.

"Well, I think it should be like this. Brother Bai's thoughts are really careful." Qin Hanyu was deeply impressed by Hu Moyu's guess.

After all, they have all seen the terrifying power of the wind blade on the previous level, and this level is definitely stronger. It is not easy for Gu Fenghua and others to break through it with their own strength. With the help of Bai Rongyu's formation It is only natural.

After setting up the formation, Bai Ronghe rested for a while, and after making a few handprints, he joined hands with Gu Fenghua and the others to strike out again.

"Boom!" Three sword beams slashed down, and a white beam of light shot out from the formation at the same time, violently bombarding the wind blade.

The entire earth trembled accordingly, and time stood still for a short time again. A crack appeared on the giant wind blade net, and Gu Fenghua and the others passed through it like lightning. Compared to the last time, the few people were obviously much more relaxed this time, and everyone was unharmed.

"Wow, it turns out that Senior Brother Bai's formation technique is so powerful." Qin Hanyu cheered happily after finally seeing the power of Bai Rong and the formation technique.

"With the help of Senior Brother Bai's formation, Senior Sister Fenghua and the others will definitely be able to break through the last layer of wind blades and exceed the quota of this trial task." Shen Tinglan's confidence also increased greatly.

Although Gu Feng and others broke through the eight-layer windblade giant net repeatedly, the number of ice-fire red gold fruits they got was limited, which was not enough for them to get five times the reward. In the last ninth-layer windblade giant net, There are dozens of ice fire red gold fruits, enough for them to complete the task beyond their quota.

"I don't think so. There are so many ice fire red golden fruits hidden in the last layer of the wind blade giant net. The power contained in them must be far more powerful than before. Even with the help of Senior Brother Bai's formation, I think they will be difficult to defeat them. Break it open." Hu Moyu shook his head and said.

"Please, don't keep talking about being discouraged, is it okay? It's really unlucky, do you know?" Shen Tinglan said with some displeasure, with the look of a faithful believer whose faith has been desecrated.

"Don't pay attention to him, he is just a crow's mouth. I believe that Senior Sister Fenghua and the others will be able to break through the wind blade this time and get all the ice fire red gold fruits." Qin Hanyu said dissatisfied.

Hu Moyu curled his lips. Since he already knew that reasoning with women would never make sense, he didn't bother to talk about it anymore.

I have to say that Hu Moyu's analysis and eyesight are good. A few days later, Gu Fenghua and the others regained their holy spirit, and Bai Ronghe set up the formation again, and then joined forces to display their strongest unique skills, and attacked the last layer of the wind blade giant net.

However, amidst the loud noise, the impenetrable, almost substantial wind blade giant net just cracked an extremely small gap, and it was impossible to pass through it at all.

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