My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1943 deep concern in complaining

Soon, Bai Rongyu set up another formation. After resting for most of the day and recovering their bodies to their best condition, several people raised their long swords again.

"One sword, weeping ghosts and gods!"

"Ask the sword, Dao Xin!"

"Nine days, Phantom Thunder!"

The strongest sword skills, combined to cut out, also shot out a dazzling white beam of light in the formation.

"Boom", amidst the loud noise, time seemed to stand still for a short time, and the huge net of wind blades, which seemed to be real, was torn open a crack less than half a foot high and only one foot wide.

Without the slightest hesitation, Gu Fenghua walked at will, following the movement of the sword, and plunged into the narrow crack like lightning.

"Chi, chi..." In the soft sound, several streaks of blood suddenly appeared.

This crack is too narrow, and if you look closely, you will find that the fierce wind blade is not completely still, just in the crack, there are dozens of small wind blades chaotically stirring, Gu Fenghua just like this It's a strange thing to rush in without getting hurt.

Fenghua! Bai Rong felt a pain he had never experienced before, and he almost cried out.

Although Gu Fenghua had already said that this shot might be dangerous, he never thought it would be so dangerous, let alone that she would be so reckless. This is simply gambling with his life.

What surprised Bai Rongyu even more was that almost at the same time Gu Fenghua was moving, Lorenen also moved, followed by throwing himself into the crack, and then, another burst of blood appeared.

Crazy, they are all crazy. Bai Rong and his feet moved, and he also flew away.

It's a long story, but it's actually just an instant. Just before the crack closed again, three figures passed through the wind blade, leaving only a blood mist behind.

"Successful, we succeeded!" Lonen fell to the ground, but immediately stood up again, and said ecstatically, even forgetting that blood beads were still whizzing down his shoulders and under his ribs.

"Didn't I tell you to spare some energy? If you can't do it, just stop. What are you doing here?" Gu Fenghua hurried forward, complaining, while stopping the bleeding for her. Although it was a complaint, even a fool could hear the strong concern in his tone.

"Hee hee, forget it when you're excited." Lonen took out the healing elixir and said, scratching the back of his head.

Although Luo Enen said lightly and pretended to be embarrassed, how could Gu Fenghua not know that she did it on purpose.

Don't look at Miss Luo who is usually careless, as if she has to count the money for others after being sold, but she is not stupid. When it comes to life and death, she is actually calmer and smarter than most saints in the world , how could she risk her life just because of a moment of excitement.

In fact, if she wants to maximize the power of Yashen's concentration, she must go all out and concentrate without any reservations. Once she goes all out and concentrates, she will have no chance to preserve her strength, so she can only risk her life. If you are not successful, you will be benevolent.

Obviously, she had already made a decision before making the move, and she was ready to risk her life.

And all of this was because of Gu Fenghua. Because with Luo Enen's current strength, it doesn't matter even if he waits another ten years.

Gu Fenghua didn't say a word of thanks. Given the friendship between her and Luo Enen, this word of thanks is superfluous. Just looking at Luo Enen's heartless smile, her eyes became a little moister: how lucky she is to have such a friend in her life!

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