Before his feet hit the ground, Bai Rongyu made his handprint again. It's also fortunate that he laid out the formation in advance, otherwise this time, he might really be doomed. Gu Fenghua secretly rejoiced, holding the long sword tightly with Luo Enen, blocking behind Bai Rongyu, and when the monster plant appeared in front of him, he attacked it with a tacit understanding.

After fighting for so long, they got a better understanding of this Yaozhi. Although they couldn't defeat it, they handled it well, and they were no longer in a hurry as before.

Under the entanglement of the two, the Yaozhi couldn't get close to Bai Ronghe at all. The formation gradually opened, and a white beam of light shot towards the giant wind blade net, tearing a crack.

"Go!" Bai Rongyu shouted.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen had long been experienced. When he spoke, they had already fled back, one left and one right, leading Bai Rong and towards the crack.

Although there is not much holy energy left in their bodies, almost on the verge of exhaustion, the moods of several people have completely relaxed.

Passing through this giant net of wind blades, they will be able to meet up with Shen Tinglan and the others. Although they are all a little weaker, they rely on Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu's joint strike skills, as well as Hu Moyu's extraordinary speed and agility. Behind him, it is easier to block this demon plant together, and Bai Rongyu also has more time to break through the remaining layers of the giant wind blade net with a formation without haste.

Because the power of the next wind blade is weaker, the corresponding formation doesn't need to be too strong, so it won't cause him more damage.

Gu Fenghua was even thinking, beyond these layers of wind blades, the trial jade token is no longer restricted, anyway, you can leave whenever you want, should you try again, is there a way to kill this demon plant? ? This monster plant can dispel holy energy, if it is killed, there may be unexpected gains.

Gu Fenghua subconsciously checked the Yaomu cauldron in the storage bracelet with his divine sense, feeling secretly regretful.

The artifact also has a cooling time. Every time it is used, it takes a long time to absorb the aura of heaven and earth to restore its own divine power. After the last use, the divine power of the Yaomu cauldron has not recovered until now. Otherwise, with this artifact in hand, maybe They had already killed Yaozhi in one fell swoop, so they didn't have to work so hard.

It was getting closer, it was getting closer, they were only a few steps away, and they could pass through the crack.

At this moment, there was a screaming sound from behind, like the unwilling roar of a wounded monster before it died.

"Be careful!" On the opposite side, Shen Tinglan's expressions changed drastically, and they all exclaimed in unison.

In an instant, Gu Fenghua felt chills all over his body, as if he was shrouded in the shadow of death. This is a holy master's instinctive intuition for danger, and the stronger his cultivation, the stronger his intuition.

Without thinking too much, without even having time to turn around, Gu Fenghua directly slashed back with his sword.

Next to him, Luo Enen, who was supporting Bai Rongyu, also slashed behind him with a sword.

"Boom, boom!" Two thunderbolts sounded in my ears, and the whole earth was like a small boat in the wind and rain, rising and falling with the waves.

The huge impact, like a boulder, hit Gu Fenghua and the others heavily behind them.

"Pfft!" The three of them spat out a mouthful of blood at the same time, and fell heavily to the ground, feeling severe pain all over their bodies, as if every meridian and every bone had been broken.

How is this going? After fighting this Yaozhi for a long time, apart from being extremely difficult to dispel the Holy Qi, I didn't see how strong its attack power is. Why did it suddenly become so powerful?

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