My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1954 is also one of the eight demon trees

"Perhaps, it's because of devouring other demon trees, resulting in mutations, learning the innate supernatural powers of other demon plants, and at the same time changing the appearance of other demon plants." Gu Fenghua also took the holy pill, and said guessing.

There are also such innate supernatural powers, but Jianjian is born with it, and it is a kind of innate supernatural power in itself, but this dark-eyed demon Lei Mu has never heard of such innate supernatural powers, it should be a mutation.

"But isn't its own strength even stronger? What are you doing in such a ghostly state?" Anyway, the recovery speed of the holy energy here is extremely slow, and even if you practice with all your strength, it won't help much in healing. , while continuing to ask.

"I think it should be to avoid the catastrophe of thunder and fire that day." Gu Fenghua said.

For the dark-eyed monster Leimu, the sky thunder and earth fire are their life and death catastrophe. No matter how strong their strength is, they cannot go against the sky. For the sake of the past.

However, the dark-eyed demon thunder tree in front of me is obviously a different species. It actually comprehends the innate supernatural powers of other demon plants by devouring them. At the same time, it also has the appearance of other demon plants, so maybe it can escape the disaster of thunder and fire.

As soon as the words fell, there was a muffled thunder from the sky, and dark clouds gathered, and with the muffled thunder, there were also flashes of fire. Although the thunder and fire hadn't fallen yet, Gu Fenghua and the others could still feel the power of destruction in it.

"What a cunning Yaozhi!" Lorn cursed in a low voice.

As soon as she saw the dark clouds in the sky and the roar of thunder, she knew that Gu Fenghua's guess was right. This dark-eyed monster thunder tree was really trying to avoid the disaster of thunder and fire, so it deliberately disguised its appearance, even at the expense of its own strength. This kind of wisdom is probably higher than most monsters in the world.

Thunder roared, and the one eye of the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu let out an angry scream again.

Gu Fenghua guessed it right. The reason why it disguised its appearance was to avoid the disaster of thunder and fire. The idea of ​​the Binghuo Chijin Fruit, only by getting the Binghuo Chijin Fruit can it have a greater chance of survival.

It has been looking for these ice fire red golden fruits for thousands of years. It wanted to absorb the pure spiritual energy of the three elements of gold, water and fire when it was stronger, but Gu Fenghua and others took the lead. To take back the Binghuo Chijin Fruit, it had to show its body, which led to thunder and fire, how could it not be angry?

Up to now, it can only fight against the upcoming thunder and fire movement and have a chance of survival only if it regains the ice fire red gold fruit.

In fact, if it weren't for forcibly using its own innate supernatural powers before returning to its original body and hurting the spirit of Yaozhi, it would have done it a long time ago, so how could it have waited until now.

Different from Gu Fenghua and others, in this Sumeru Realm, the recovery speed of the dark-eyed demon Leimu is obviously much faster. After a while, the branches on its side turned into long arms and big hands. With a fierce wave, a few green The needles flew towards Gu Fenghua and the others, as fast as lightning.

"One sword, weeping ghosts and gods!"

"Break the sky, chop the waves!"

"Ask the sword, Dao Xin!"

Even though it was just a few needles, Gu Fenghua and the others did not dare to be careless about the legendary demon tree, and they swung their swords at the same time to chop it off.

Fortunately, the dark-eyed monster Lei Mu gave them a little time, and the alchemy flowed, and the injuries of several people improved a little, and the holy energy recovered a little, so they were not completely powerless to resist.

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