Gu Fenghua did not expect that Jianjian would be defeated so quickly, he was completely defenseless, and was directly blasted out, and in mid-air, he spewed out a mist of blood.

Ignoring the others at all, the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu screamed angrily, and continued to rush towards Gu Fenghua at an extremely fast speed.

Lornen turned pale with fright, without thinking about anything, he flew towards the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu. But the long sword was only halfway through, and it was already left behind by the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu.

Mingyan Yaohunmu's speed was so fast that she didn't even have time to stop it.

Just when Luo Enen was burning with anxiety, suddenly, two figures flew up, as if two afterimages merged into one, they stopped in front of the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu, and the two long swords stabbed out at the same time. Like a sword.

It was Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu who made the move. Relying on the joint attack technique taught by Tantai Baiyi, their speed of attack was a bit faster than that of Luo Enen in his heyday. At this moment, of course, only they could There may be such a speed.

Another figure also rose into the air immediately after, and the long sword flashed a cold light and pierced towards the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu. Don't need to guess, I know it's Hu Moyu, apart from Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu who are performing combined attacks, he is the fastest.

"Senior Sister Fenghua, you go!" At the same time as they shot, several people shouted in unison.

It's a pity that the speed of the few people is fast, but their combat power is really limited. They only blocked the time for a few breaths before being shot away by the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu. Immediately afterwards, Lei Mu, the dark-eyed demon, continued to rush towards Gu Fenghua.

It was only at this time that Gu Fenghua realized that a vine was being tightly grasped by the big hand transformed from a branch of the dark-eyed monster's thunder wood, and it was dragged to the ground like a dead snake.

It was only at this time that Gu Fenghua realized that there was no cheap spiritual connection in his mind, and he could not feel its aura at all.

Bitch...dead! Always by my side, my closest partner, just died like this?

Endless sadness flooded into her mind.

In his mind, a huge flame phoenix exploded violently, and the mournful sound of the phoenix's cry seemed to ring in his ears, and Gu Fenghua seemed to see its gentle and resolute gaze again.

Hatred, like a volcano, erupted in my heart.

"One sword, weeping ghosts and gods!" Gu Fenghua didn't know where the strength came from, stood up, and slashed at the oncoming dark-eyed demon Lei Mu with a sword.

A flame shot out through the sword, and the entire sky was reflected red. The scorching heat seemed to burn everything in the world to ashes.

This is the real majesty of the beast contained in the power of the phoenix, and it is also a mysterious power that even Gu Fenghua cannot use at will.

The scream of the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu continued, but there was no anger at all, only deep fear.

It was trembling all over, and wanted to turn around and run away, but its whole body was stiff, but it couldn't move half an inch, it could only stand on the spot like a rotten wood stake.

"Boom." The next moment, the horse Hulian had already entered the evil giant eye of the dark-eyed monster Lei Mu, and there was a loud bang.

With that loud bang, the whole world seemed to stand still again.

Shen Tinglan, Qin Hanyu, and Hu Moyu fell to the ground, all nervously looking at the dark-eyed demon thunder tree. Only by fighting it in person can one appreciate the horror of this monster plant.

To put it bluntly, at their age, they can have the third and fifth ranks of Profound Sage, and they are not considered weak in the entire Promise Sacred Heaven, but under the hands of the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu, they only persisted He was easily knocked into the air in a short time, so how powerful is this Yaozhi? They also realized how difficult it was for Gu Fenghua and the others to persist until now under the opponent's crazy onslaught.

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