Fortunately, after listening to the third uncle's words, he was not in a hurry to make a move, otherwise, let alone the dark-eyed demon thunder tree, or Gu Fenghua's sword alone would have caused him a lot of suffering, and his life might be in danger.

"Maybe it's the power of magic weapon, or even the power of divine weapon, but you don't have to worry, no matter whether it's a divine weapon or a magic weapon, it's limited by the heavens and the earth. Once you use it once, you have to wait a long time to recharge your spiritual energy. With Gu Fenghua's current situation, it is impossible to use it again, we just need to make sure that the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu is dead." Hua Qianfeng said.

The distance was too far, and it was too sudden, he didn't see clearly what was going on with Gu Fenghua's Jedi counterattack, but he guessed that it was mostly with the help of a magical weapon or even a divine weapon. This is also one of the important reasons why he refused to leave immediately.

If this magic artifact can really kill the dark-eyed demon Leimu, its power is self-evident. If you don't grab it now, when will you have to wait. Thinking of this, Hua Qianfeng touched the mask on his face again. Fortunately, it was well prepared, otherwise it would be really difficult to start.

Hearing what he said, Hua Mingyu remembered the time when his father was defeated by Gu Fenghua, even though he passed out at the time, occasionally he woke up in a daze and soon passed out again, and he didn't see clearly how his father was defeated. Yes, but later I heard that it was also because of an extremely powerful magic weapon or divine weapon, so I stopped shooting casually.


"Bitch!" Gu Fenghua didn't think too much, and after finally regaining some strength, he immediately got up and rushed towards the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu with difficulty.

Seeing the vines hanging down like a dead snake in the hands of the dark-eyed monster Lei Mu, her heart felt like a knife, and tears rolled down again.

Holding the long sword tightly, Gu Fenghua's anger and hatred burned like a raging fire again. Only by smashing this demon plant into tens of thousands of pieces can the hatred in her heart be eliminated, no, even so, it can't make up for the pain in her heart.

The long sword was about to slash, when suddenly, a faint green evil light flashed in Yaozhi's dark eye, and the two long-armed giant hands also raised high.

"Be careful!" Shen Tinglan and the others exclaimed in unison, and Bai Rongyu's expression changed instantly.

Although it can be seen that the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu has been severely injured, and even the raised long-armed giant hand has become vain and weak, but the same is true for Gu Fenghua at this time, only relying on the anger, hatred and pain Just hard support. Gu Fenghua will definitely die when the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu strikes him!

Everyone was also seriously injured, and they were powerless to rescue them.

Seeing that Gu Fenghua was about to die on the spot, suddenly, her hand clenched the long sword slammed, and ecstasy appeared in her eyes—the low-hanging vine suddenly lifted up, and pierced into Yaozhi like lightning. In that dark eye.

Not dead, cheap not dead!

This guy pretended to be dead again, and he pretended so vividly that he even cut off the spiritual connection with her, deceived her, and caused her to shed a lot of tears for no reason.

Gu Fenghua was so angry that he really wanted to catch this little bastard and scold him, but he wept with joy.

"Boom!" The next moment, a thunder fire descended from the sky, slamming on the body of the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu.

The thick tree trunk was raging in all directions, burning in the thunder fire, turning to ashes bit by bit.

"Senior Sister Fenghua!" Shen Tinglan and the others finally supported their bodies with difficulty and came to Gu Fenghua's side.

"You're not dead, that's great, Senior Sister Fenghua, you're not dead." Qin Hanyu held Gu Fenghua's hands, crying and laughing, his face was covered with tears and dust, like a little cat.

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