My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1967 Why do you owe it so much?

Tears, I don't know when Hua Qianfeng's eyes have been filled, but I can still see the grief and indignation in the eyes: If you are beaten, you will be beaten, who made me weak, I admit it, but what the hell are you calling, please The one who was beaten is, what do you mean by being so miserable? Is it humiliation?

Too bullying, really too bullying!

Is it tolerable or unbearable? How can a strong man who is half-step heavenly sage be able to suffer such shame and humiliation? Hua Qianfeng decided, rather than being trampled to death by this iron-eating beast, it's better... to go first!

A faint red light suddenly appeared on his body, as if a flame was burning, and the holy energy that had been consumed by half recovered instantly, even stronger than when it was at its peak, and the blue with purple in the eyebrow holy bead The halo has faded a lot.

In order to escape for his life, he also tried his best, and he did not hesitate to forcibly arouse his holy energy and surrender himself!

Taking advantage of Hei Yao howling in pain and jumping up again, Hua Qianfeng stood up, picked up Hua Mingyu and rushed out. After all, he is the only seedling of the Hua family, he couldn't bear to leave Hua Mingyu here, and be tortured to death by that iron-eating beast.

Hei Yao was dying of pain, he was only focused on jumping up and down, and he had no time to pursue. Gu Fenghua and others were still injured, and they were even more powerless to pursue. Blade, crush the trial jade tablet.

A ball of white light descended from the sky, about to envelop the two of them and lead them away from a Sumeru Realm.

At this moment, Jianjian suddenly swung his waist and loosened it like a taut bowstring, a cloud of blue poisonous needles poured towards Uncle Hua Qianfeng like raindrops, and dense bursts of broken waves came out. The voice of the sky.

Hua Qianfeng was ravaged, and he was like a frightened bird. He was terrified when he heard the sound of piercing the air behind him, and made a handprint fiercely.

With a flash of silver light, an ancient cloak was behind him. Most of the poisonous needles that came flying were pierced on the cloak.

It's a pity that this guy actually has a defensive magic weapon on him. Gu Fenghua and the others secretly regretted it. If there is no such defensive magic weapon, even if the opponent crushes the trial jade tablet, they may not be able to avoid the poisonous needle flying like a celestial maiden.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Just when they were secretly regretting, there was a loud thunderous noise on the cloak.

As soon as the flying poisonous needles were blocked by the cloak, they exploded one after another. In the blink of an eye, the cloak was riddled with holes and turned into pieces like butterflies.

The figure of Hua Qianfeng's uncle and nephew also disappeared at this moment. But at the moment of disappearing, everyone still heard a scream from one of them.

Obviously, even if the other party unexpectedly took out a defensive magic weapon, he still couldn't escape the cheap poisonous stinger, but he didn't know what it would be like when it was blown up?

No matter what, Gu Fenghua and the others were also comforted by the fact that the other party was still unable to retreat in one piece.

"Hey, the supernatural power of the demon plant seems to be a little different from before." Lonen said in surprise, looking at the shattered cloak dancing like silver butterflies.

"Qianjian, have you learned the supernatural powers of the dark-eyed demon Leimu?" Gu Fenghua looked at Qianjian in surprise.

Although Jianjian understood the supernatural power of the poisonous needle flying stabs very early, but its power is far inferior to Cai Cai's. The power of the thunder power that exploded violently is clearly the same as the supernatural power of the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu.

"I didn't do it on purpose, I'm too talented, there's nothing I can do about it." Jianjian nodded her face, her appearance was very shy, and her voice was very modest, but in Gu Fenghua's opinion, this artificial shy humility, why is it so indebted? .

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound behind him.

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