"Meet the two senior brothers." Everyone else took the initiative to express their kindness, and of course Gu Fenghua would not be cold, nodded and said with a smile.

"Don't dare to take it, don't you dare to take it, Senior Sister Gu calls it like that, doesn't it offend us?" Hearing Gu Fenghua's address like this, the two were flattered, and they quickly stood up and said, with obviously a little reserved expression.

Not knowing why the two of them were so respectful to him, Gu Fenghua was even more surprised.

"My name is Li Yuanzheng, and his name is Wu Yuming. It is thanks to Senior Sister Gu that we were able to enter Liangyi Academy. Just now, Senior Sister Fenghua completed the trial task five times beyond the quota in the Lingxin Taoist Hall. We also saw it with our own eyes. In ten thousand years of history, there has never been a disciple who has achieved such an achievement, so how dare we call ourselves senior brothers." Seeing Gu Fenghua's doubts, one of them explained.

At the beginning, Gu Fenghua exposed the tricks of Shen Zhengxing and others with his stunning and brilliant performance, and made them lose face, so he could only finish the spiritual root test in a hurry. Many disciples who were not too talented were directly accepted by them. These two are among them.

If it wasn't for Gu Fenghua's sake, they wouldn't even dare to imagine that they would join Liangyi Academy. No matter what the cause of the incident was, it was because of Gu Fenghua that they had this opportunity, and they were naturally grateful to her.

"What were you talking about just now, is it interesting?" Gu Fenghua suddenly realized, and asked curiously without putting on any airs of senior sister.

She was originally soft and beautiful, although she was born in the prime minister's family, she had never been arrogant at all, and now she showed a curious look, which made people feel a little closer.

"We are talking about Hua Mingyu." Li Yuanzheng replied casually without thinking about it, but he was not at all wary.

"Oh?" Gu Fenghua's eyes lit up slightly.

"Relying on his family background and the support of Mr. Yuanzheng, that guy has always been arrogant, doesn't take us seriously, and dares to make things difficult for Senior Sister Gu. This time it can be regarded as retribution." Gu Fenghua and Hua Mingyu The grievances and grievances between Li Yuanzheng and Li Yuanzheng are no longer a secret, and of course Li Yuanzheng knew it, and he smacked his lips and said, which seemed to be a bit of a common enemy.

"Didn't he also go to participate in the trial? It was only a mysterious mission, and he was seriously injured. He was just sent to Liangyi Academy by his uncle, and asked the master to help him." Without waiting for Gu Fenghua to ask, Wu Yuming said He rushed to say with his eyebrows fluttering.

It seems that Hua Mingyu can't change her arrogance and domineering problems in Liangyi Academy, and she has offended many people.

"Fortunately, he has an uncle who is the deacon of the Spiritual Heart Hall. I heard that Hua Qianfeng personally went to the trial site to rescue him. If it were someone else, he would probably die in it." Li Yuanzheng said contemptuously.

"But so what if he is rescued, even Hua Qianfeng can't cure him, and he has to beg on Lord Yuanzheng, Hua Mingyu may have suffered a lot this time." Wu Yuming curled his lips and said gloatingly.

The corner of Gu Fenghua's mouth also provoked the same smile. It turned out that Hua Mingyu was the one who was recruited. Others still don't know how powerful the poisonous thorn and flying needle are, but Gu Fenghua has experienced the horror of the ghost-planting supernatural power of the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu. Although Jianjian has long comprehended the supernatural power of the poisonous thorn flying needle, but now he has added the innate supernatural power of the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu, so the power is naturally not the same.

She was very curious, what would Hua Mingyu look like after being bombed, and whether Shen Zhengxing could save him?

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