My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1990 Can't think of chapter name

This is the spirit pool? The white mist in front of his eyes was transpiring, thick as a substance, and his sight could not penetrate at all. Gu Fenghua probed away with his spiritual sense, and found that this place was a divided circular space with a diameter of more than one foot, which was extremely narrow. Lornen was by his side, so he must have gone to another baptism pool.

After careful inspection, no hidden danger was found. Gu Fenghua let go of his previous worries. It seems that no matter how courageous Hua Qianfeng is, he would never dare to do anything to himself in this spirit washing pool.

Gu Fenghua calmed down, and began to think about the dense white mist that seemed to be transpiring around her, and soon her eyes widened in surprise.

This mist contains an incomparably abundant aura of heaven and earth, which is even several times stronger than the aura of heaven and earth condensed in the One-Yuan Taoist Hall. What is even more shocking is that the aura of heaven and earth has been clearly differentiated and become Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are five completely different auras of heaven and earth.

Close your eyes, gather your spiritual thoughts and look away, and you can even see the five colors of gold, green, blue, red, and brown shining brightly, like a beautiful rainbow after the rain.

In addition to the colorful colors, there are also two strange lights of one white and one black lingering in it. The white light is clean and flawless, full of bright and holy meanings, and the black light is pure and deep, like an endless night sky, gloomy and dead. This is clearly the most fundamental yin and yang energy between heaven and earth, and what is contained in it is the ultimate principle of heaven and earth, which is the cycle of life and death alternately between day and night.

Seven kinds of spiritual energy enveloped the body, flowing slowly, forming a vortex, and Gu Fenghua was at the center of this vortex.

She slowly performed the exercises, and immediately, the seven-color spiritual energy poured into her meridians like a flood that broke a bank, giving people the feeling that it was so warm, as if soaked in a hot spring.

The seven-color aura flows through the meridians, and wherever it passes, the meridians seem to be completely washed, without any impurities, and even some small scars left by previous injuries are eliminated, as if they were reborn.

Soon, the seven-color spiritual energy gathered behind the holy bead and slowly rotated, soaking the two innate holy spirit roots into it. Nourished by it, the two innate holy spirit roots swayed and radiated endless vitality.

This feeling is exactly the same as the feeling after taking the Nether Eye Demon Thunder Wood Demon Pill.

It was only then that Gu Fenghua discovered that the Qi of heaven and earth condensed in the Spirit Washing Pond was also very similar to the aura in the Yaozhiyao Pill. In an instant, Gu Fenghua understood the purpose of the Binghuo Chijin Fruit they found so hard.

The dark-eyed monster Leimu was able to condense such a demon pill, obviously because it swallowed such strange flowers and fruits as ice fire red fruit, and the strange heaven and earth aura in Xilingchi probably also came from this. It has the same effect, in a sense, this Xilingchi is actually an oversized Yaozhi Yaodan.

However, unlike the demon pill condensed by the dark-eyed monster Leimu, the aura contained in this spirit washing pool is more than ten times more abundant, and there are more yin and yang qi, which contains the principle of the cycle of life and death alternately between day and night, and the Xuan Ao is naturally far stronger than that Yaozhi Yaodan.

The seven-color spiritual energy continuously poured into the surroundings of the two innate holy spirit roots, spinning and condensing continuously, becoming more solid, like a vast land.

The two innate holy spirit roots took root on this earth, swaying and becoming more vigorous, and even sprinkled a series of crystal clear mysterious rays of light, one dazzling red and one dazzling golden, covering the entire earth. It is a golden red color, and there are pieces of seven-color rays of light shining in it, like the bright stars in the night sky, and like treasures dotted on the vast land.

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