My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2003 Lifting a rock and hitting yourself in the foot

Of course, for Hua Qianfeng, this is no different! In short, it was Gu Fenghua who refined the power of the dragon in the blood of Nether, and came back alive and kicking.

"So, Mr. Hua, didn't you help her a lot?" He Kunliang couldn't help but said.

Is not this nonsensical? Hua Qianfeng glanced at He Kunliang, feeling a little panicked in his heart, and his face became even uglier.

"Oh, that's the blood of the ancient demon dragon, and it's also the blood of Nether, which is known as the strongest dragon in history. It's a pity, it's a pity." He Kunliang didn't notice his darkening face, Still rubbing salt in the wound.

"Pfft!" Hua Qianfeng couldn't bear it any longer, and spurted out a mouthful of black blood.

It's not just the blood of Netherworld, he also wasted a golden soul-suppressing bell, a Qingyue Dingfengsha, plus the blood of Netherworld wasted today, the three great treasures given by the master, all because of Gu Fenghua was destroyed.

Especially the last bottle of Nether Blood, not only failed to hurt Gu Fenghua, but also helped her to be promoted to Tiansheng in one fell swoop. How could he not be heartbroken, how could he not be aggrieved?

He Kunliang's sigh is more than just sprinkling salt on the wound, it's like stabbing a knife in the wound...

Only then did He Kunliang realize that he had accidentally poked Hua Qianfeng's sore spot, so he quickly stopped talking.

Looking at the pool of black blood on Hua Qianfeng's chest, He Kunliang's mind became clearer, and a burst of regret suddenly appeared in his heart: even Hua Qianfeng was powerless against Gu Fenghua, and the old blood sprayed wildly in anxiety and anger. To fight against Gu Fenghua in order to hug his thigh, isn't it a little overpowering?

But, is it too late to regret it now? He Kunliang felt bitter in his heart.


"Fenghua, is what you just said true? Your holy spirit root is really not enough to condense the holy soul orb, or do you rely on the power of the dragon to survive?" On the way back, Luo Enen was curious. asked.

"It's true, but you don't have to worry too much. My cultivation method is different from others, so it is more difficult to advance each time. You should not be like this." Gu Fenghua can see that apart from curiosity, Luo Enen, He was somewhat worried, and Shen Ting and the others beside him were no exception, so he said comfortingly.

After all, their cultivation has improved rapidly recently, especially Luo Enen, who has already reached the eighth rank of Profound Sage, and it is only a matter of time before they hit the Heavenly Sage. If they encounter the same crisis, how can they cope with it? Gu Fenghua didn't want to scare them.

Looking back and thinking about it, Gu Fenghua really felt that it was difficult to be promoted to Tiansheng, but it was impossible to reach his level of difficulty. In the final analysis, it was because of her different physique and different cultivation methods that she was promoted to Tiansheng. Saints are so difficult.

Hearing what Gu Fenghua said, Luo Enen and the others felt relieved. Thinking about it carefully, they also felt that other celestial sages could not be as dangerous as Gu Fenghua when they were promoted. You must know that she successfully condensed the holy soul orb by relying on the power of the ancient dragon to be promoted to the celestial sage. If everyone is like her, how can there be so many ancient dragon powers in the world?

"What exactly is the power of the ancient dragon that you just mentioned?" Tantai Baiyi suddenly asked in a deep voice.

He had also tempered his spiritual roots in the Spirit Washing Pond back then, and his understanding of the Spirit Lake was far superior to that of others. He really couldn't figure out where the power of the ancient dragon came out other than the seven lines of spiritual power.

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