Seeing this scene, the others admired Gu Fenghua even more.

The grievances between Hua Mingyu and Gu Fenghua are no longer a secret. All the disciples of Shen Zhengxing are well aware of what Shen Zhengxing has done. Gu Fenghua knows that Cheng Yu is a disciple of Liangyi Academy, but there is no He also gave such a precious elixir as the holy elixir of the heavenly sage Jin Huandan. Few of the seven-foot men present could do it, so how could they not be convinced by it.

Gu Fenghua smiled slightly, but didn't say anything.

"Senior Sister Gu, the nine academies of Yiyi Academy are united in one another. If Duan Yixing troubles you in the future, you must tell us that even if we risk our lives, we must fight against the enemy side by side with you." Seeing that Gu Fenghua has no benefactor in the slightest The meaning of self-proclaimed, everyone around admired even more, and immediately someone said it with righteous words.

"Yes, even if he is the disciple of Lord Qingyun's envoy, so what, we are not easy to bully at Yiyi Academy. If he dares to harm Senior Sister Gu, or Yiyuan Academy, we will risk our lives. "

"In my opinion, it's better to teach him a lesson so that he will completely stop thinking about revenge."

"That's right, there are only a few of them, yet they dare to come to a school to show off their power. We have thousands of disciples in a school, are we still afraid that they will fail, and give them a blow first, so that his mother doesn't even know him? Do you dare to have the heart of revenge?" Several militants were even more eager to try.

Seeing the outspoken indignation of the people around him, Gu Fenghua was secretly moved.

Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu were even more tearful. One Yuan Academy had fallen to the point where it was almost expelled from the Nine Academies, not to mention outsiders, even the other Eight Academies never took a serious look at them, but now, because of Gu Fenghua , the other academy disciples share the same hatred with Yiyuan Academy, and there is no distinction between each other, let alone relatives, but it is a pity that the master is not present, and he did not see this scene with his own eyes, otherwise he would not know how happy he would be.

"Don't be impulsive, they are all guests, if we do it, wouldn't it embarrass your lord?" Seeing that the militants became more and more excited as they talked, they were ready to invite people to fight Duan Yixing and the others. An experienced and prudent disciple hurriedly stopped them.

"Well, he's lucky this time." Those people calmed down a bit, and after thinking about it, they really couldn't embarrass you, so they had to stop.

"Actually, he is not considered lucky. He has exposed everything that should be exposed and should not be exposed. Once the news spreads, I am afraid that the old face of Lord Qingyun will be completely lost by him, hahahaha." A disciple gloated and laughed. .

"It's true, the majestic Heavenly Sage and the top-level powerhouse are actually naked in front of the public, losing only a pair of underpants. I'm afraid he won't be able to hold his head up for the rest of his life." The companions around him also laughed. Lean forward and lean back.

"Don't tell me, that guy is really white and has a good figure. By the way, did you find out that his pants are still embroidered with gold threads." Another disciple Xumi said with his eyes very wretched, very wretched, the most wretched What's more, he swallowed hard while speaking, and looked at Duan Yixing's distant figure with so much reluctance.

Are the pants still embroidered with gold thread? To be honest, no one really noticed this. Everyone looked at this sharp-eyed disciple at the same time, just in time to see his wretched eyes, the movement of his throat to swallow forcefully, and the lingering gaze that flashed with strange light.

The laughter all around stopped abruptly, and everyone subconsciously took a few steps back, keeping an absolutely safe distance from him.

Gu Fenghua also felt a chill, and he felt the hairs on his back standing on end, and goose bumps scattered all over the place.

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