Looking at Gu Fenghua's actions, they had already guessed that this so-called Chaos Xuantian Pill was probably a bit tricky, otherwise Gu Fenghua would never have prevented Luo Enen from giving the old man some compensation. After getting along for so long, they have already seen that Gu Fenghua is definitely not the kind of person who forgets righteousness for profit, let alone take advantage of others casually.

Since Gu Fenghua saw the trick, Lion opened his mouth and offered a sky-high price of 200 top-grade Holy Spirit Stones, which was naturally a trick to the other party. Who knew, this old liar actually paid a sky-high price of 50 pieces himself.

You must know that one high-grade Holy Spirit Stone can be exchanged for hundreds of middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones, and one middle-grade Holy Spirit Stone can be exchanged for hundreds of low-grade Holy Spirit Stones. Many saints have accumulated a lifetime, and it is impossible to save fifty high-grade Holy Spirit Stones. Holy Spirit Stone.

"One hundred and fifty pieces." Gu Fenghua had already guessed that this holy pill was not easy to come by, but his face was normal, and he started to bargain with the old man.

"Sixty pieces." The old man's teeth were already clenched.

"One hundred and forty pieces." Gu Fenghua didn't rush.

"Seventy pieces."

"One hundred and thirty pieces."

"Eighty pieces"

"One hundred and twenty."

"One hundred, no more. That holy pill was originally mine, so what do you want to earn back a hundred out of thin air?" the old man said with his teeth almost gnashed, almost crying.

"A hundred pieces is fine, but you have to give me the Danfang." Gu Fenghua didn't want to deceive people too much, so he didn't continue to bargain, but came up with the idea of ​​Danfang. She has already pondered this holy pill, even with her alchemy skills at this time, it will be difficult to figure out its mystery in eight or ten years, unless she can find the pill formula.

On the opponent's body, she faintly sensed the spirit of the alchemy similar to her own, and guessed that even if this holy pill was not refined by him, it had something to do with him, and maybe she could find the recipe from him.

"Where did I get such a bullshit pill recipe, I stole this holy pill from the pill room!" Upon hearing Gu Fenghua's condition, the old man jumped up again.

"Stolen?" Gu Fenghua looked surprised and became curious about the origin of the old man.

"I won't hide it from you. I stole this holy pill from my second brother's pill room. I originally wanted to sell it for a good price and buy some decent medicinal materials to fool him. You won’t beat me to death, who knows that if you see through, I will be in bad luck for eight lifetimes.” If he accidentally made a slip of the tongue, the old man didn’t bother to hide it.

"Kill...or my brother?" Luo Enen and the others gasped.

"Who is your second brother?" Gu Fenghua was even more curious. Even she secretly admired the refining method of this holy pill, this old man's second brother is absolutely extraordinary.

"I can't say it. If I say it, he will kill me." The old man kept his mouth shut, shaking his head like a rattle.

Gu Fenghua secretly wiped off his cold sweat, he couldn't imagine how vicious this man's second brother was, to scare his elder brother like this. But then again, if I met such a big brother, I might beat him to death with my own hands, but I can't completely believe that others are vicious.

"Up to a hundred pieces, it's a big deal, I'll add this." The old man said while taking out a reddish-brown fruit.

The color of this fruit is dull and dry, and it is covered with fine thorns, and there are cracked tortoises in many places, which looks extremely ugly. But Gu Fenghua's eyes froze slightly, and he vaguely felt a mysterious aura.

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