My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2047 Isn't that deliberately looking for abuse?

"Then why did he return the money to Gu Fenghua? Could it be that his conscience discovered it?" Hua Qianfeng was even more puzzled.

"Third uncle, so you are here, let me find it easily." At this moment, Hua Mingyu walked up quickly.

He woke up not long after returning to Liangyi Academy, and with his bullish temper, the first thing he did when he woke up was of course to seek revenge on Duan Yixing.

Although the fellow disciples who sent him back did not like him, they did not harm him and directly told him Duan Yixing's identity. As long as he doesn't lose his temper, Mr. Hua can actually tell the difference between the serious and the serious. Hearing that the other party is the adopted son of Lord Qingyun's envoy, he can only calm down and give up the idea of ​​revenge for the time being.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years, let him be happy for a few days first, and then he will cry later. Although he didn't dare to take revenge, Hua Mingyu would not forget this revenge, and he was still secretly ruthless.

Afterwards, the messenger Hua Qianfeng sent to find Liangyi Academy, and he followed to the auction house.

"Why did you come here now? What's the matter with your face?" Hua Qianfeng noticed the redness and swelling on his face that hadn't completely subsided, and frowned.

"I walked too fast, I accidentally bumped into it." Hua Mingyu touched his still hot face, and said vaguely. In front of outsiders, of course he was embarrassed to tell the previous things, it was too embarrassing.

"By the way, what are you guys talking about? Why are you all so preoccupied?" Hua Mingyu changed the topic for fear of him asking.

"I'm talking about Gu Fenghua." Hua Qianfeng said.

"Oh?" As soon as Gu Fenghua was mentioned, Hua Mingyu frowned, and the fire of hatred burned in his eyes again.

Hua Qianfeng didn't hide it from him, and told what happened just now, as well as the doubts in his heart.

"Ah, you guys actually want to use this method to trick Gu Fenghua!" After hearing Hua Qianfeng's words, Hua Mingyu's eyes almost popped out.

"What's wrong?" Hua Qianfeng looked at him suspiciously.

"Didn't I tell you, Gu Fenghua is proficient in the art of appraising treasures, and even my uncle is full of praise for her art of appraising treasures, do you know her peers?" Hua Mingyu wiped off the cold sweat and said. To actually use this kind of tactics to deal with Gu Fenghua, isn't that intentional to seek abuse?

"When did you tell me?" Hua Qianfeng said angrily.

"Uh, I don't seem to have told you." Hua Mingyu just remembered, in order to persuade Hua Qianfeng to stand up for him, instead of retreating like Hua Qianyue after seeing Gu Fenghua's strength, he didn't ask at all. He mentioned this matter, no wonder he thought of using this trick to plot against Gu Fenghua.

"Forget it, it turns out that Gu Fenghua still knows the art of appraising treasures, so it seems that this trick won't work." Hua Qianfeng didn't care about it, and waved his hand and said.

"That's all you have to say, what should I do with my two hundred high-grade Holy Spirit Stones?" An angry voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Turning his head to look, he saw the old man who failed to deceive others but was betrayed standing behind him, looking at them with resentment.

"Then Gu Fenghua knows the art of appreciating treasures, and you still let me cheat her of money. Isn't that clearly cheating me? I didn't cheat a penny, but she stole two hundred top-grade Holy Spirit Stones , how should we settle this account?" Before they could open their mouths, the old man said again angrily.

When Deng Juebao approached him earlier, he didn't pay attention to Gu Fenghua and the others at all, thinking that with his practice of bluffing and deceiving for thousands of years, he would be able to easily deal with a green-haired girl who was still young, so he should do it to Deng Juebao to save face. It's just a favor.

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