"You mean, this person has a lot of background?" He Kunliang could easily hear the meaning behind his words, and asked cautiously.

"That's right. I was fooled by him back then. When I woke up, I wanted to make trouble with him, but was severely reprimanded by the president of my family, and I was never allowed to touch him." Deng Juebao nodded.

"What is his background?" He Kunliang's face changed slightly after hearing what he said.

The Wuji Chamber of Commerce is one of the largest chambers of commerce in Wuji Shengtian. Its semicolons are almost all over the world. Naturally, its strength goes without saying. Even their chairman is unwilling to offend that old liar. This person's background is absolutely extraordinary.

Deng Juebao shook his head, but his expression became more solemn.

Mysterious things often bring people more pressure. If he knew the origin of the other party, He Kunliang might be able to measure whether he had a chance to vent his anger, but he didn't know anything about the old liar, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

"In that case, we'll be sure of this loss." He Kunliang said dejectedly. Although he was still unwilling, he no longer had the thought of hitting the sap stick and taking the cold knife.

"As the saying goes, misfortunes and blessings depend on each other, just spend money to avoid disasters, just think about it." Deng Juebao said comfortingly, which is actually self-comforting.

"That's right, fortune and misfortune depend on each other. For us, it's not necessarily a good thing." Hua Qianfeng said suddenly.

Deng Juebao and He Kunliang looked at him at the same time, only to find that he was thoughtful, with a meaningful smile on his face, obviously not self-comforting.

What is this guy trying to do? He Kunliang rubbed his temples, although Hua Qianfeng smiled meaningfully and confidently, but why, the uneasy premonition in his heart became stronger.


"Dang!" On the auction stage, the gong rang, and the crisp sound echoed in the air.

The auction house, which was still noisy before, suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked towards the stage.

"Welcome all my friends to travel thousands of miles to my first city, and the next one is the city owner, Zhang Qingsong." An elegant-looking middle-aged man stepped onto the auction stage and said loudly.

"I have seen Master Zhang, I have seen Master Zhang..." Everyone in the audience saluted one after another.

A city can be said to be the subordinate city of a school, and it can also be said to be the gate of a school. In a sense, it also represents the face of a monarch, otherwise it is not qualified to be named with a word.

Zhang Qingsong was able to become the city lord of a city, so he was naturally not an ordinary person. It was rumored that this person was not only a man of extraordinary cultivation, but also a descendant of a royal envoy, how could everyone dare to neglect him.

"When you come here, you are my guests from Yidao City. There is no need to be formal." Zhang Qingsong waved his hand and said, "Everyone comes to Yidao City to seek money or treasure. I won't gossip. I hope everyone gets what they want and returns with satisfaction. Next, I announce that this auction will officially begin.”

Under the stage, the crowd that had just calmed down became restless again, and everyone's faces were full of excitement.

Although many people have already started trading before the auction, they all know that the real good things will not appear until the auction starts, and only on the auction stage can they be sold for a good price.

Of course, not all junk can be auctioned casually, and Yidao City has strict restrictions on this aspect. Several discerning treasure appraisers will appraise every item that is going to be auctioned, and only those who have passed their foresight are eligible to be on the auction stage.

"The first item in today's auction is nine Xuantian Spirit Gathering Pills, which are very beneficial for healing and replenishing qi. Although it can't be said to be a living dead human flesh and bones, it is also very effective. In addition, although this pill is a heavenly healing pill Holy pill, but because the grade has reached the earth level, so the cultivation base of the mysterious grade can also be taken with confidence.

The starting price for this bottle of Holy Pill is one hundred medium-grade Holy Spirit Stones, and each increase in price should not be lower than ten medium-grade Holy Spirit Stones. "Zhang Qingfeng didn't waste time, presided over the auction himself, and took out a bottle of holy pills and said.

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