"It's easy to be tricked and kidnapped. It's the first time I've seen him jumping into the pit so happily. Today is an eye-opener." Someone even said sarcasm, gloating.

"By the way, the fine gold and mithril you bought earlier is actually just a purple heart stone. Let me teach you the handprints. There are also a few medicinal herbs, namely the rosewood flower, the purple jade root, and the nine-pattern jade ganoderma... "Gu Fenghua didn't let them go, and slowly made his fingerprints while talking.

Hua Qianfeng didn't say anything, just gritted his teeth and typed out one after another according to her handprints.

The runes flashed, pieces of unrecognizable fine gold and mithril and plants of equally unrecognizable strange flowers and plants revealed their prototypes one after another. It was exactly as Gu Fenghua said, all of them were the most low-level fine gold of Wuji Shengtian. Mithril and exotic flowers and herbs, combined, probably wouldn't be able to sell a hundred mid-grade Holy Spirit Stones.

All around, everyone was dumbfounded.

Hua Qianyu and the others trembled all over, their faces were ashen, and their eyes were full of despair. They spent hundreds of thousands of middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones, hundreds of thousands, for this pile of junk that was not worth a hundred middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones.

"Deacon Hua, He Yuanshi, don't be too sad. In fact, you still have some harvest. The first herb I photographed was a Qingshuang Xuanlu grass, which just happened to grow with Huoyun Lanxinmei. Infused by its aura, it became like this.

By the way, the reason why those medicinal herbs were difficult to identify before is mostly because of this reason. I will teach you a few more handprints, and you can easily refine this spiritual energy and restore the Qingshuang Xuanlu grass to its original state.

This is a celestial medicinal herb. It is even used to refine some imperial elixir. It is worth 20,000 middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones. You guys are making a lot of money, really making a lot of money. "The Fifth Miss of the Gu family has always felt that she actually has a compassionate heart of the Virgin, and she is still very kind in nature. After seeing the desperate eyes of a few people, she still couldn't bear it after all, so she said another word of comfort.

It's a pity that upon hearing her comfort, Hua Qianfeng and the others trembled violently, and then turned their backs to the sky at the same time, the old blood that had been suppressed for a long time finally spurted out wildly.

This Clear Frost Mysterious Dew Grass is the only real treasure of nature and earth that they photographed today. The 20,000 middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones are also very valuable. They spent 200,000 yuan to grab this herb, a total of 200,000 yuan!

It turned out that Gu Fenghua had seen through their plans from the very beginning, and had been digging holes for them all along! It's ridiculous that they not only jumped into the pit willingly, but also jumped so happily and so ecstatically.

"By the way, let me remind you that the purple jade root and the nine-grain jade ganoderma lucidum that you just photographed are very good for replenishing blood, so don't waste them." Gu Fenghua walked out calmly, and turned his head when he reached the door A kind reminder.

"Pfft..." As a result, Hua Qianfeng and the others spurted blood even more violently. It seemed that a purple jade root and a nine-pattern jade ganoderma alone could not make up for it.

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that Gu Fenghua's skill of appraising treasures would be so powerful." It was rare to see such a good show, but the others were reluctant to leave, and while watching, they generally sighed aloud.

"With their brains, they still want to take advantage of Gu Fenghua. Isn't that courting death?" Some people said disdainfully.

"It's easy to be tricked and kidnapped. It's the first time I've seen him jumping into the pit so happily. Today is an eye-opener." Someone even said sarcasm, gloating.

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