The pill fire swayed, and the medicinal herbs were thrown into the furnace. Not long after, the intoxicating fragrance of pills filled the room, and more than a dozen bottles of holy pills were refined in one breath. Gu Fenghua looked at the sky, and took out another bunch Fine gold and mithril, make a handprint again...

The next morning, when Gu Fenghua pushed open the door, Luo Enen, Shen Tinglan, and Qin Hanyu had already been waiting for a long time.

Yesterday's auction was full of twists and turns. Shen Tinglan, Qin Hanyu, and Hu Moyu were all eye-openers. They were so excited that they couldn't sleep all night, and rushed over before dawn.

"Senior Sister Fenghua, shall we go to the auction house now?" Qin Hanyu said impatiently as soon as Gu Fenghua came out.

"Don't worry, put away these holy pills first." Gu Fenghua took out a dozen bottles of holy pills and distributed them to everyone one by one.

Then, he took out a few magic weapon necklaces and distributed them to them. This necklace is somewhat similar to the one she helped refine for Han Yangshu and others when she was in Nanlizong, but as her strength was promoted to Heavenly Sage, the defense of this necklace became stronger.

After receiving the holy pill and the necklace, Shen Tinglan and the others opened their eyes wide in surprise. These holy pills are all the top healing qi pills in the realm of Xuanpin, and some have even reached the heavenly rank, but because the quality has reached the heavenly rank, they can also be taken with the cultivation base of the mysterious rank.

And the magic weapon necklace is also full of spiritual power, all of them are top-notch magic weapons, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are semi-divine weapons. The most important thing is that the leakage of the alchemy and spiritual power was obviously just a short time ago.

"Senior Sister Fenghua, didn't you sleep all night?" Qin Hanyu couldn't help asking.

"Don't forget what cultivation I am now, it doesn't matter if I don't sleep all night." Gu Fenghua said generously.

This is the truth, her cultivation base has been promoted to the Heavenly Sage, and her spiritual sense has also been greatly improved. Even if she does not sleep for ten days and a half months, it is not a big problem, it does not matter if she does not sleep for one night.

"Senior Sister Fenghua..." Although she said so, Qin Hanyu and Shen Tinglan were still moved to tears, and their voices were choked up.

"Okay, okay, you are my good junior sisters, and also my good sisters. Is it necessary to be moved like this with just a few holy pills and magic weapons? Fortunately, I am a woman, otherwise, wouldn't you be able to look like this?" Promise." Seeing the tears of sincerity in their eyes, Gu Fenghua was a little moved and said jokingly.

After listening to Gu Fenghua's words, both Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu blushed slightly, but Hu Moyu looked dull.

I remember the last time when I was in a Sumeru Realm, Gu Fenghua once said that they are not only her good junior sisters, but also her good sisters, this time, this time again. Well, there is nothing wrong with other people's good junior sisters and good sisters, but he is a man, a real man. Obviously, none of them thought he was a man.

In addition to being moved, what happened to the faint sadness in my heart? Hu Moyu looked up at the sky, silent.

"Let's go, let's go to the auction." Gu Fenghua said and led the crowd towards the auction.

Although her identification skills are no longer a secret, and it is impossible to make a fortune like yesterday, there are countless rare treasures in the auction house. Except for a few unscrupulous traders, most of them also offer fair prices. There should still be a lot of treasures. reward.

Before going to the auction house, of course he had to say hello to Tantai Baiyi first.

"Master, we are going to the auction house, why don't you go together, we will accompany you to have a good time." Qin Hanyu said expectantly when he saw Tantai Baiyi.

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