"One sword, break the sky!" Without thinking too much, Gu Fenghua threw the Suzaku Remaining Music Qin back to the storage bracelet, and cut out with another sword.

With the pure land of spiritual heart, the two first roots of the Holy Spirit have grown from a weak grass to a towering tree. Her recovery speed of holy energy is several times higher than that of other holy masters of the same level, and it has recovered a lot in just a moment.

Without hesitation, without looking forward and backward, Gu Fenghua gave his best as soon as he made a move. The deity of Jiao Jiao was still sealed in the Purple Heaven Prison, unable to pass through the cracks in the barrier. As long as the blood mist clone in front of her was destroyed, she would be able to escape safely.

It's a pity that no matter how fast her holy energy recovers, it's impossible to recover to its best condition in such a short period of time. When the sword light fell, the beast-like shape condensed by the blood mist just shook violently, and became a little more illusory, but it didn't dissipate at all. With a roar, it opened its bloody mouth again, and swooped forward with sharp claws.

Gu Fenghua smiled wryly, this sword consumed all the holy energy she had gathered so hard, and the last few defensive necklaces were broken into slag long ago. .

By the way, there is still a divine sword in hand that can be counted on, as long as it is willing to unsheath again generously, it should not be a problem to cut through the blood mist animal shape in front of it. Unfortunately, Gu Fenghua knew that this was just his extravagant wish. Rather than pinning your hopes on it, it would be better to wipe your neck yourself.

Gu Fenghua took out a slender golden needle, and was about to pierce it between the eyebrows.

Right now, only by piercing the soul with a golden needle can the potential be stimulated to quickly recover the holy energy and increase the combat power. But when the golden needle pierces the soul, she will have to endure the boundless pain, even the soul, as if being completely torn apart, and most importantly, once the time limit for the golden needle piercing the soul expires, she will completely collapse, and it will take a long time to recover. During this period, she will not even have the chance to commit suicide. If she couldn't defeat the blood mist clone of Jiao Jiao in one fell swoop, she could only watch herself being torn into pieces in the endless pain.

Thinking of the terrible consequences, her heart trembled slightly, but the fingers holding the golden needle were still unusually calm. At the time of life and death, she had no choice.

The huge animal shadow completely enveloped her, the sharp animal claws were raised high, Gu Fenghua gritted his teeth, and the golden needle pierced straight down.

"Looking for death!" A roar sounded in midair.

Another crack was torn open in the space, and a giant dragon covered in black scales flew down, and a young man stood beside it, with anger written all over his heroic and resolute face.

A sword light, also carrying his endless anger, slashed out with the momentum of splitting the sky and the earth.

"Yun Ji!" The golden needle in Gu Fenghua's hand stopped, and tears of joy shone in his eyes.

He finally came, and appeared by her side again when she was in the most critical moment!

Although the sharp animal claws were already in front of her body, and she could even feel the icy coldness of her body, her heart became extremely peaceful.

When the sword light fell, the beast shape condensed by the blood mist was split into two halves.

In the crack of the barrier, Jiao Jiao let out a panicked howl.

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