"Master Tantai, why don't you go back first." A courtier persuaded sincerely.

"You guys go back first, I'll wait, maybe Fenghua will come back." Tantai Baiyi said in a hoarse voice.

"Yes, Fenghua will be fine, she will definitely come back." Beside him, Luo Enen clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were red.

During this whole day, the scenes of meeting and getting acquainted with Gu Fenghua, and living and dying side by side replayed in her mind countless times. She really couldn't believe that Gu Fenghua would leave her like this.

The famous courtyard did not say anything, but secretly sighed.

Even though the teleportation formation has long been closed and the portal has long since disappeared, the last scene will forever be imprinted in their hearts.

Everyone was moved by Gu Fenghua's mind and courage, and everyone paid her the highest respect, but at the same time, they also knew that with Gu Fenghua's condition at that time, it was impossible to resist the fatal blow of the blood mist clone.

A group of disciples from the academy still knelt on the ground, although they still refused to leave, but judging from the endless sadness in their eyes, it was obvious that they thought so too.

"My lord, look quickly, this... this..." A disciple suddenly pointed at the formation in front of him, speechless incoherently in shock.

"This... this is..." The principals of the various courtyards followed his line of sight, and they were all too surprised to speak.

In the formation, a strange light flickered, and the disappeared portal appeared again.

How can this be? You must know that every time this teleportation formation is activated, it requires an extremely large amount of spiritual power. Without the accumulation of thousands of years, and without the concerted efforts of the main courtyards of the various courtyards, it would be impossible to do it. However, it was only one day since the last time it was closed, how could this formation be opened by itself, and they obviously didn't do anything.

What shocked them even more was that a graceful figure loomed at the other end of the formation. Gu Fenghua, it's Gu Fenghua, she didn't die!

Although Gu Fenghua had witnessed the birth of miracles again and again before, but this time, when the miracle happened again, everyone was still dumbfounded and couldn't believe their eyes.

Even when Gu Fenghua appeared in front of them through the teleportation channel, they still stared at each other with a dazed look on their faces.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to make you worry, I'm fine." Gu Fenghua said in a gentle tone as he was afraid that he would hear a scream of "ghost, ghost, ghost".

Seeing the bloodshot eyes in Tantai Baiyi's eyes, seeing the tear stains on Luo Enen's face, and seeing the endless sadness on the faces of those kneeling school disciples, her heart trembled slightly, and she was moved like never before.

Only those who have experienced life and death together will understand their feelings and know how sincere and precious this friendship is.

"You, you're not dead?" Hua Mingyu asked in a daze, her voice sounded so hollow, as if she was talking in a dream.

"If a person can still be seen after death, then he must have seen a ghost. Ghosts, there are no shadows. Oh yes, you can't see shadows when it's raining..." Gu Fenghua could easily feel the surprise and excitement in Hua Mingyu's dream from Hua Mingyu's dream. The former mortal enemy finally turned into a friend, and she was so sad for her "death", and so happy for her resurrection from death, she was still somewhat sighing and said jokingly.

"You're not dead, you're really not dead, hahahaha, you're really not dead." Hua Mingyu jumped up and laughed loudly.

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