"Rules are dead, people are alive. According to the rules, the disciples of the academy are not allowed to leave the palace if they have practiced for less than ten years, but the history of the main courtyard can take the disciples out for a trip. However, every time the palace is opened to accept apprentices, the history of the main courtyards of each courtyard is full of trivial matters, and there is no time. As time goes by, this rule is gradually forgotten by people." Tantai Baiyi said confidently.

"Master, you mean to make Senior Sister Fenghua the history of our first academy!" Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu immediately realized. The Yiyuan Academy has been in decline these years, and no one even wants to stay after the previous batches of students have completed their studies, so the seat of history of this academy has been vacant. If Gu Tonghua takes the seat of history of the academy, wouldn't he be able to go out to practice freely?

"That's right!" Tantai Baiyi nodded, and continued, "However, if you want to become the history of the academy, you must completely break away from the original sect. From then on, you will never have any entanglements with them. Even the former sect is facing annihilation. Unless the envoy orders you, you must not intervene."

When he said this, his expression became extremely solemn, and his expression began to become entangled again.

Of course he very much hoped that Gu Fenghua could become the history of the Yiyuan Academy, but those who could be sent to a school by various sects, who were not the treasures of their respective sects, were basically included in the sect since childhood.

It was precisely because of this relationship that he hesitated before, but he never spoke.

As for his and Shen Zhengxing's history, most of them came from casual cultivators and had no sect background, so there was no such entanglement. As for those who were born in the sect, it was because the sect was destroyed, and they had nothing to worry about after avenging the sect, so they sat on the seat of the official history of the court.

"Then, if it's not your own sect, but other sect's nosy, can you take care of it?" Gu Fenghua didn't have any entanglement, but asked excitedly.

"When we made this rule, we were just worried that the principals of each academy would not let go of the original sect, and that they would practice selfishness and cheat when recruiting disciples, which would ruin the ethos of the school. If it is an irrelevant sect, it would be harmless to meddle in their affairs." Tantai Baiyi said.

"Then it doesn't matter. I'm not a disciple of Nanli Sect. I'm just a casual cultivator. I don't even need to leave the sect." Gu Fenghua said with a relaxed expression.

Although she is not a disciple of the Nanli Sect, because of Luo Enen, she will never ignore the matter of the Nanli Sect, and if something happens to the Feitian Sect, she will not stand by and watch. What she is most worried about is that if she becomes the history of the Yiyuan Academy, she will be like a monk and can no longer deal with mundane affairs. Since this rule only means that she can no longer be entangled with the original sect, and she wants to take care of other business, she is completely at ease.

"What, you're not a disciple of Nanli Sect?" Tantai Baiyi, Shen Tinglan and the others knew nothing about this matter, and they all looked surprised.

Although they have been staying in the academy, it can be said that they live in seclusion, but they also know how precious a palace talisman is. For this quota, many sects beat their heads to the ground and forged a life-and-death enmity. Since Gu Fenghua is not a disciple of Nanli Sect, how could they hand over such a precious palace talisman to her.

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