Besides, according to a decree from the envoy, all affairs of the school are now decided by Bai Ronghe. His favoritism towards Gu Fenghua is seen by everyone. Whoever is full will have trouble with her?

Therefore, not only did no one object to Tantai Baiyi's proposal, on the contrary, he was full of praise, such as wise and decisive, so far-sighted, so insightful, so many high hats fell on Tantai Baiyi's head one after another, which made the court official's face flush with anger.

"You old bastards, that's not how flattering is done, you should show some face anyway." Tantai Baiyi secretly wiped off the cold sweat, shook off the goosebumps all over his body, and handed over the academy's order to Gu Fenghua in front of everyone.

Shen Zhengxing and others congratulated Gu Fenghua again, and then left.

"Let's go, Fenghua, I'll send you off from the academy right away." Tantai Baiyi said to Gu Fenghua after sending Shen Zhengxing and others away.

"So urgent?" Qin Hanyu's Shen Tinglan asked in surprise, with reluctance written in her eyes.

It was already discussed last night, because Shen Tinglan, Qin Hanyu, and Hu Moyu's cultivation bases are still low, and leaving the academy too early will not do them any good, so this time, only Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen will practice. Thinking that they will be separated soon, they are reluctant to part.

"Cultivation promotion, the sooner the better, since you have already decided to leave, if you can not delay, try not to delay." Tantai Baiyi said.

Although he had a smile on his face, his eyes were also full of reluctance. If Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen stayed for a few more days, he might be reluctant to let them leave.

"Fenghua, here is an invitation card, you take it." Tantai Baiyi led the crowd to the gate of the academy, and at the same time took out the big red invitation card and handed it to Gu Fenghua.

"Whose invitation is this?" Lonen turned his head and asked curiously.

"The previous suzerain of the Ku Chan sect passed away a few days ago, and a new suzerain will be appointed in a few days, and we will be specially invited to attend the ceremony. I discussed with the other abbots, and they are obsessed with trivial matters. I was going to attend the Ku Zen ceremony on their behalf. You just want to travel, so I will do it for you.

The Kuzen Sect is located in the Manghuang Mountain, and the Manghuang Mountain is endless, known as the Hundred Thousand Mountains, among which there are countless natural materials and earth treasures, and it has always been a place for the disciples of various sects to hunt for treasures and novelties. You can also take this opportunity to experience it before. "Tantai Baiyi said.

As he said that, he handed Gu Fenghua another storage bracelet, which contained a congratulatory gift from the various academies in the academy to the Ku Chan Sect.

"Reckless mountain!" Gu Fenghua's eyes lit up.

She left a school in a hurry this time. On the one hand, it was true that she was promoted to the Heavenly Sage because of her own cultivation, and staying in the school was of little benefit, but the more important reason was that she wanted to go to Manghuang Mountain——the array on her body was found by a disciple of the Feitian Sect who happened to meet Dilong when he was traveling in Manghuang Mountain.

Originally, Gu Fenghua didn't know much about Manghuang Mountain, so he didn't know where to start. The Kuzen Sect happens to be in the Manghuang Mountain, so I can inquire about it when I go there.

"By the way, Lord Yuanzheng, do you know what this is?" Gu Fengjie suddenly remembered the basalt jade carving he got from the emperor Cannian in the holy tomb, and asked Tantai Baiyi.

This jade carving is full of mystery, and its material is something that even she has never seen or heard. Gu Fenghua always feels that this jade carving is probably more than what he understands.

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