"Look at that guy's sword is very good, I don't know which sect's disciple it is." Sitting on the bed, Luo Enen said curiously.

Miss Luo likes to stir up trouble, but she is definitely not the kind of reckless person who is impulsive and reckless. If you offend someone, you should find out the background of the other person.

It's a pity that the other party is a dude, but he is not like many dudes who always report their family background to overwhelm others. The dog-legged goatee seems to be deliberately concealing his background, so Luo Enen can't guess the origin of the other party.

"Don't you think that the Second Generation Ancestor looks familiar?" Gu Fenghua said suddenly.

"Familiar?" Luo Enen thought for a while, then slapped his forehead and said, "I don't think it looks familiar unless you tell me, it looks familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere, where is it?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Luo Enen didn't remember where he saw that young man, and his eyes became more and more blank.

"Forget it, don't bother thinking about it, let's start practicing." Gu Fenghua thought about it, but couldn't think of a reason.

Although they didn't know many people after they came to Wuji Shengtian, there were countless vendors and sect disciples from all over the world in an auction a few days ago. No matter how strong Gu Fenghua's spiritual sense is, it is impossible for everyone to remember everything they met. Thinking about it is just a waste of time.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, the two began to practice.

The flying boat across the clouds also unknowingly sailed away from a city, began to fly across the vast wasteland, and flew towards Kuchan City.

Although he was in the middle of cultivation, Gu Fenghua still vaguely felt that as the flying boat across the clouds moved forward rapidly in the wasteland, the aura of heaven and earth gathered by the spirit gathering formation was also undergoing subtle changes.

In the past, she always stayed in one place to cultivate, but she didn't realize that the aura of heaven and earth in Wuji Shengtian is not static. The aura of heaven and earth in different places actually has different attributes of five elements. Perhaps the same is true for the aura of heaven and earth in Tianji Continent, but because the cultivation level was still low at that time, it was not possible to feel it.

This subtle change in the aura of heaven and earth is extremely beneficial for them to comprehend the Dao of heaven and earth. Coupled with the profoundness of the One-Yuan Huntian mental method, they refine the aura and improve their cultivation much faster than usual.

Of course, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen would not miss the opportunity, and practiced with all their heart and soul.


The body paused slightly, the spirit-gathering formation gradually dissipated, the two finished their practice, and opened their eyes at the same time.

"Xuansheng Ninth Grade, I'm at the Xuansheng Ninth Grade!" Luo Enen exclaimed with surprise on his face.

Gu Fenghua looked at Luo Enen with relief. Normally speaking, it would take a few years of effort to go from the eighth grade of Xuansheng to the ninth grade of Xuansheng. If you are unlucky, it would not be surprising that it would take tens or hundreds of years of effort. Look at the holy time instrument on the wall. It only took a few months for Luo Enen to take this step. No wonder she is so happy.

On the one hand, this is because of the mystery of the Yiyuanhuntian mentality, on the other hand, because Luo Enen has the innate holy spirit root, and the cultivation speed is faster, and the more important reason is because of the ever-changing aura of heaven and earth through the wilderness, and the different perceptions of the great way of heaven and earth.

Gu Fenghua looked inside intently, and her cultivation had reached the peak of the first rank of Tiansheng, and she was only one step away from reaching the second rank of Tiansheng. In terms of her current cultivation, such an improvement is not inferior to Lonen at all, and it is also worthy of joy.

No wonder the ancients read thousands of books and traveled thousands of miles, which is really very reasonable.

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