In front of me is a house with three entrances and three exits. The area is not small, but it is dilapidated and old. Even the plaque engraved with the words "Xiang'an Inn" is full of traces of insect pillars.

It's fine if it's just a little dilapidated, but the most important thing is that this inn doesn't feel the energy of the gathering spirit formation. You must know that Wuji Sheng Tiandi has more aura, and there are more people who practice it. Even ordinary traders have a little bit of cultivation, so the inns with a little bit of grade are equipped with spirit gathering formations.

Dry Chan City is the subordinate city of Dry Chan Sect. The guests who come from south to north are basically the disciples of the sect or members of the chamber of commerce. Of course, they will not be stingy with a few rents. For an inn like Xiang'an Inn that doesn't even have the simplest Spirit Gathering Formation, it would be strange for guests to stay. For a holy master who is dedicated to pursuing the way of the strong, I am afraid that he would rather go to a high-end inn equipped with a gathering spirit formation to play the floor, and would never come to Xiang'an Inn to enjoy the happiness.

"Shopkeeper Lin, your inn is really too, too..." Loenen wanted to say a few words with emotion, but was afraid of hurting Shopkeeper Lin's self-esteem, so he hesitated to say anything, and didn't know what to say.

"You two are joking. This inn was originally equipped with spirit-gathering formations, but it gradually failed after a long time, and I was short on money. I really couldn't afford to repair it, so I could only wrong you two." Shopkeeper Lin blushed, rubbed his palms, explained embarrassedly, and then added, "But don't worry, my inn is a bit old, but it is clean and will never be disturbed."

Well, it is indeed very clean, no guests have stayed, can it be clean?

"It's okay, we're only staying for one night anyway, let's go in." Seeing the embarrassment and anticipation on Shopkeeper Lin's face, Gu Fenghua felt a little sympathetic. Anyway, with her and Lonen's current cultivation base, the most important thing to improve quickly is opportunity, and it doesn't hurt to delay for a night or two, so she doesn't care.

Following shopkeeper Lin, the two walked in. It can be seen that shopkeeper Lin has put a lot of effort into this inn. The courtyard is cleaned up and out. Although the layout is simple, it is also fresh and elegant. Except for the lack of spirit gathering formations, it is no worse than those high-end inns. The two of them chose a superior room with satisfaction and paid the rent.

"Shopkeeper Lin, Dry Chan City is so prosperous, your inn's business should have been good before the spirit-gathering formation failed, so why can't you even get the money to repair the formation?" When paying the money, Luo Enen couldn't help asking.

"Oh, I'm ashamed to say it, it's all because of that unworthy prodigal son of my family." Shopkeeper Lin said with a sigh.

"Oh, what's going on?" Hearing the words "prodigal son", Luo Enen felt very friendly and asked curiously.

"I have a son named Lin Zhentang, who is about the same age as you. Because of his aptitude, he was accepted as a disciple by the Qingshuang Sword Sect in the early years. Although the Qingshuang Sword Sect is only a low-rank sect, it is not accepted by everyone. For our family background, it can be regarded as a glorious ancestor.

I thought he became a disciple of the Qingshuang Sword Sect. My Lin family doesn’t say that from now on, at least future generations will not spend their entire lives guarding an inn like me. "

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