My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2190 Is it a good thing or a bad thing

"It's too precious, Senior Sister Fenghua, these cultivation secrets and holy pills are too precious, I can't take them." After a while, Lin Zhentang put down the secrets with trembling hands, and said to Gu Fenghua with difficulty.

"It may be precious to you, but it's really nothing to us." Gu Fenghua said indifferently. When it's time to be public, you have to be public, otherwise Lin Zhentang would have the nerve to accept such an important gift.

Gu Fenghua knew that he had definitely taken advantage of the mysterious medicine by accepting it. If Lin Zhentang wasn't given some compensation, she wouldn't be able to feel at ease no matter what.

"Then I would like to thank Senior Sister Fenghua." Sure enough, seeing Gu Fenghua's disapproval, Lin Zhentang felt ashamed of his pettiness, and readily put away those secret books and holy pills.

"The way of cultivation is to avoid impetuosity and impetuosity, and also avoid being greedy and miscellaneous. You should first think about what exercises and sword skills are the best. I will go to Kuzen Sect tomorrow, and I may stay for a few more days. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me." Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen walked towards the room, while telling Lin Zhentang.

His cultivation heart is very persistent, this is a good thing, but also a bad thing, Gu Fenghua doesn't want his good intentions to harm him.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Fenghua, for reminding me." Behind him, Lin Zhentang bowed deeply and said gratefully.


The Spirit Gathering Formation in the inn has just been repaired, and there are no guests staying at the moment, and the night is extremely quiet. Although Gu Fenghua and the others had been practicing on the way when they came, they were somewhat exhausted from the journey, and they were not in a hurry to practice. They soon fell asleep and slept very soundly.

They slept soundly, but some people were doomed to find it difficult to fall asleep.

"Too much deceit, this Gu Fenghua is really deceiving too much! Sooner or later, I will let her know how the word "death" is written!" On the brightly lit long street, the young man walked towards the inn with a dark face and roared in a low voice. The fingers holding the sword turned white because of too much force.

If Gu Fenghua hadn't intervened this time, even if he missed the blue-patterned ancient soul lamp, he would still be able to get back 50,000 Holy Spirit Stones. Now, not only did he not get a penny back, but he also watched that magic lamp, which was comparable to a magic weapon, was taken by Gu Fenghua for nothing.

Recalling the smile on Gu Fenghua's face at that time, it was as if someone had stabbed him in the heart with a sharp knife, and the blood flowed wildly.

"Yes, we must not let her go, but the top priority now is to go back to the family first, so let her be proud for a few days." The goatee pained for a while, but now he is much calmer, and cautiously persuaded.

Anyway, the 50,000 mid-grade Holy Spirit Stones were given by the Patriarch to the Young Master for emergencies on the way, and it was not his money. If he made a profit or lost money, it had nothing to do with him. I was afraid that the Young Master would not be able to figure it out for a while, and would go back to look for Gu Fenghua's bad luck, and then implicate himself and be punished by the Patriarch.

"By the way, what is the reason why the Patriarch called us back urgently?" The young man was not impulsive, let his words divert his attention, and asked suspiciously.

"It seems to be for the selection of the young Patriarch." Goat Hu thought for a while and replied. Originally, according to the Patriarch's instructions, he shouldn't have told him this matter too early, but he was worried that he would always worry about the previous incident and do something stupid on impulse, so the goatee still said it.

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