The clear water is not built, so the name is good. In fact, the Wangqing Pool is indeed green and secluded, which has a bit of elegance, but the mansion built along the pool is a bit rough and messy. Before entering the courtyard, Gu Fenghua and the two heard a burst of noise.

Is this really the guest house where distinguished guests should live? Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen looked at each other.

He already knew that Chen Yuan had no good intentions, and it was true. Arranging them in this kind of place was obviously humiliating them. However, the two of them were not angry, they even took advantage of the Guwen Qingpo Lamp, so what is such a small humiliation? Besides, they left a school for the sake of experience, and it doesn't matter if they endure hardships and adventures, so why would they get so angry over such a trivial matter as accommodation.

"The Kuzen Sect is no different from your own sect. This time, many of the people who came to watch the ceremony are the elders of the sect. When you have nothing to do, just stay in the yard honestly and don't walk around." Entering the yard, Manager Zhu reminded the two of them.

Although Chen Yuan said that these two young men are distinguished guests and should not be neglected, they did not introduce their identities, and there was no respect in their words. How could there be such distinguished guests in the world. Although his status is not high, but he has a bit of insight, it is easy to guess that these two girls have no background, they should be from a small sect, and they even have some troubles with Chen Yuan, otherwise they would not have been sent to Bishui Xiaozhu by him.

In this case, he doesn't need to be polite to the two of them.

"Oh, I see." Gu Fenghua replied casually, looking around.

There were many young saint masters coming and going in the courtyard, some were sitting at the stone table drinking tea and chatting, and some were exchanging skills, it was very lively, seeing Gu Fenghua coming, many people showed surprise in their eyes. However, Wuji Shengtian puts more emphasis on cultivation, and most people don't care about love between men and women before they succeed in cultivation, so the surprise is the surprise, but no one came to greet them, they just nodded politely.

"By the way, what's your name?" Manager Zhu asked.

"Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen." The two replied.

"The unlisted customers over there are still vacant. Go and choose two by yourself, and then hang up the nameplates. I will send someone to inform you if there is anything to do." Seeing that their expressions were peaceful, without any dissatisfaction, and without a little bit of arrogance that big disciples often have, Manager Zhu looked down on them even more, and he didn't even bother to take them there himself.

"You two, come and help." As soon as the two of them reached the door, they heard an arrogant voice behind them.

Turning his head subconsciously, an old man was standing at the gate of the yard, pointing at the two young men who were drinking tea and chatting in an irrefutable tone.

"Yes, senior, we will come right away." It was obvious that the two young people were not very happy, but they still got up respectfully.

"You guys, come and do something for me." Another old man appeared at the door, pointing at the other young people with an extremely arrogant expression.

"It's senior." Those young people were discussing the holy law, they had to stop when they heard his words, and followed him out obediently.

"What's this for?" Lonen said in surprise.

"Help." A young man next to him replied casually.

"Why help?" Lonen asked suspiciously. Based on the address, the young men who were called out should have nothing to do with the two old men, why should they obey them?

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