Seeing this, the other juniors of the Jun family had no choice but to leave.

"I really don't understand why the Patriarch let him go so easily." While walking, a young man said unwillingly.

"If there is anything you don't understand, the Patriarch is biased." Another teenager said disapprovingly.

"Why, it's just a bastard, why does the Patriarch favor him so much?" Another teenager said angrily.

"That's right, I heard that my uncle was injured by his father back then. Such a bastard, he should be left to fend for himself outside. What are you doing when you get him back?" Another boy was even more angrily.

"Let's not talk about your uncle, and my uncle and second uncle. They were all injured by his father. It would be good if he didn't kill him to avenge his revenge, but he still favors him so much."

"Shhh, don't say any more. Didn't the Patriarch issue a ban, so no one will mention this again?" A young man carefully looked around and made a silent gesture.

Only then did the others shut up, and left Bishui Xiaozhu with a look of reluctance.

Although their voices were suppressed to the bottom, how could they hide from the ears of Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen? Looking at the fat man, both of them were curious.

The fat white man gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of anger.

Gu Fenghua patted him on the shoulder, with deep concern in his eyes. Having been together for so long, seeing Fatty Bai's heartless anger, this is the first time I've seen him so angry.

"Fatty, are you okay?" Lornen also looked worried.

"It's okay, it's okay, let's go, I'll take you to try my new craft." Seeing the concern and worry in the eyes of the two, the fat white man suddenly relaxed, showing that relaxed and familiar smile.

Pulling the two together, the fat man walked towards the back of the kitchen, where there was a small door leading directly to the backyard.

Steward Zhu was squatting at the small door, clutching his bleeding nose, when the fat white man slowed down and glanced at him.

"It's none of my business, Mr. Chen Yuan asked me to do it." Manager Zhu was taken aback, and hurriedly explained.

This is not a lie, as he is a small steward, if no one instructs him, how dare he dictate to Jun Lansheng. I thought that the elders in the clan and the rest of the clan didn't want to see him so much, and it was only a matter of time before this fat man was kicked out of Jun's house, so he was also unscrupulous.

It was only at this moment that he realized that if he was no longer welcomed by others, this fat white man was still a member of the Jun family, and he was not someone who could be humiliated by an outsider—didn’t he see that although today’s incident happened because of him, the head of the family and the elders didn’t even mention it?

Sigh, you said you have nothing to do with the Jun family's business, are you qualified to intervene? Now Guanshi Zhu is so regretful that he hits the wall, he just asks Jun Lansheng to treat him as a fart and let him go.

"You're blocking my way." Fatty Bai said expressionlessly.

"Oh, let me let it go, let me let it go." Manager Zhu quickly shrank his neck and moved aside.

How could Fatty Bai fail to understand his entanglement, anyway, that punch made his nose bleed profusely, and the anger he should have vented, he didn't have time to argue with him, so he just passed through him.

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