"In that case, it's understandable that everyone in the Jun family rejected me so much and wanted to drive me out of the family." After a while, the fat man said with a wry smile.

During the days when he returned to the Jun's house, he saw the rejection and even hatred from the younger brothers in each house, including the elders, and it was impossible for him not to feel any resentment in his heart.

But knowing the whole story, I think it is understandable. After all, their elders and even their biological father were injured in Jun Xingjian's hands, and Jun Xingjian did it on purpose, so it would be good if he didn't let his father pay off the debt.

Speaking of which, he should actually feel a little bit guilty about the other houses of the Jun family.

"Hmph, your father had his own intentions when he hurt people with his hands, but it may not have been forced by the situation. He became famous as a genius, and outsiders are more envious, and in the family, I am afraid that more people are jealous.

With him here, how could the other houses have a chance to stand out, at least they will be suppressed by our house for tens of thousands of years, under one fluctuation and another rise, maybe they will never be able to stand up again. Jun Wencang said with a cold snort.

"You mean, even if my father didn't intend to leave the family, they would actually kill my father!" Fatty Bai immediately understood the meaning of his words.

Although the strengths of families like Wuji Shengtian and Tianji Continent are completely different, when it comes to the methods of intrigue and power struggle, there will never be much difference.

"It's good for you to understand some things, and you don't need to feel guilty or hate. How can a family want to inherit it for thousands of years, how can it be smooth sailing, and a family that doesn't fight openly and secretly, and a pool of stagnant water will only perish faster." Jun Wencang said flatly.

"Hmm." Of course Fatty Bai also understood the principle of family inheritance, so he nodded, and the little bit of guilt he had just felt dissipated.

"There are three more days, and it will be the family test period. If you can stand out from the younger generation, you will be able to become the Young Patriarch of the Jun family. Don't let me down." Jun Wencang said.

"Is it meaningful to be the Young Patriarch?" Fatty Bai asked.

Although the Jun family is known as one of the oldest families in Wuji Shengtian, it does not have the strength and courage to fight against Lord Luocang. In order not to bring disaster to the family, his father was even expelled from the family on purpose. So, what's the point of him being the young Patriarch?

Moreover, he had already decided that as soon as the enthronement ceremony of the suzerain of the Kuchan sect was over and Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen fulfilled the instructions of their elders, they would leave immediately, and they had no interest in the position of the young patriarch.

"The suzerain of the Kuzen sect has been selected from the strong members of the Mu family and our Jun family since ancient times. The previous suzerain Mu Chengtai was the elder of the Mu family. After his death, the new suzerain will not directly fall on the head of our Jun family, but will be chosen by the strong.

The strongest member of the Jun family is me, and the strongest member of the Mu family is the suzerain Mu Chengfeng. The two of us have already fought against each other in private, and neither of us can beat the other, so we have agreed in private that after seven days, there will be a competition between the two young masters, and whoever wins will be the suzerain.

Although even if I become the suzerain, it is impossible to avenge Xingjian with all the power of the sect, but it will allow the young patriarch to easily step into the real heavenly realm! Do you think it is meaningful to be the young Patriarch? "Jun Wencang said.

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