The three young men and women in front of them don't know the heights of heaven and earth, and dare not give them face, let alone themselves, even the sect behind them will be in bad luck.

They could already imagine that when they heard their identities, several people were frightened and apologized repeatedly, even knelt down and begged for forgiveness. Unfortunately, they were disappointed.

"Oh, I've never heard of it." Luo Enen didn't even blink his eyelids, as if what he heard was not the suzerain or grand elder of a high-grade sect, but a few kittens and puppies that came out of nowhere.

"What an ignorant little boy, how dare you despise me so much? Are you really not afraid of causing disaster for your own sect?" Elder Wu grew up in the Xuanming sect since he was a child, and he has never been underestimated so much in his life. His face flushed with anger, and he pressed the hilt of his sword.

I didn't expect the other party to be so small-minded, and they would strike after a few words, so Luo Enen also quickly reached out to hold the sword.

Gu Fenghua was also surprised, and hurriedly stepped in front of Luo Enen. Although Luo Enen's cultivation base is considered very good among the holy masters of the same age, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of these old guys in front of him. Even Gu Fenghua has absolutely no chance of winning against them, at most he has some self-protection power.

Compared to Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen's surprise, the other party was of course even more surprised. A few young disciples from small sects just refused their request. Seeing this posture, they still want to fight Wu Tianheng. Don't they know how the word "death" is written?

Surprised, no one opened their mouths, and the atmosphere seemed unusually dignified.

On the side, Manager Zhu was already trembling with fright: Oh my God, they dared to fight Elder Wu. If this matter got serious, he, the manager of Bishui Xiaozhu, would definitely be involved.

Guanshi Zhu's mind was in chaos, and before he had time to think about it, he turned around and ran towards the inner courtyard. This matter must be reported to the Patriarch and the elders immediately, and only they can calm down the turmoil.

The others looked at Gu Fenghua, these juniors who had taken the courage of the bear, and they didn't notice Guanshi Zhu's actions in shock. Of course, even if they did, they wouldn't care.

"Elder Wu calm down, calm down, this is the Kuzen Sect." Finally, Jiang Jinglue, the old master of the Bitian Sect, was the first to come to his senses, and stepped forward to dissuade Dao Kingdom.

"That's right, Elder Wu, you must not do anything, or the Ku Zen Sect will lose face." The other suzerain elders also spoke one after another.

"Hmph!" Under everyone's persuasion, Elder Wu finally calmed down a little, and let go of the hand holding the sword hilt.

No matter how humble the other party's status is, they are still guests of Ku Zen Sect after all. If he hurts them, he will actually hit Ku Zen Sect in the face.

"You guys are lucky today, but after the Ku Zen Sect ceremony, you go back to the sect to see how you can explain to the sect. Let's go!" Elder Wu gave Gu Fenghua and the others a hard look, and led them out.

Although he has a good temper, he is not narrow-minded enough to destroy other people's sects because of such a trivial matter. However, a few youngsters who dared to contradict him like this still made him lose face, so naturally he would not let them go easily. He had already made up his mind that once the matter of the Ku Chan Sect was over, he would send a message to their sect to severely punish these people.

He didn't bother to ask Gu Fenghua's names and where they were. With his status, he would just ask anyone to find out.

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