My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2232 things are completely unexpected

"Yeah, we have to give them an explanation, especially if there are children of our Jun family among them, so we have to give an explanation." The third elder said loudly, directly pointing the finger at Jun Lansheng.

"Hmph!" Jun Wencang snorted coldly, stopped talking, and walked straight forward.

What happened today made him very upset. He never thought that Jun Lansheng and Gu Fenghua Luo Enen would be so indifferent and cause such a big trouble together.

Even he doesn't know how this will end, and he can only wait to see Elder Wu and the others. I just hope they haven't done anything yet, and they haven't offended those old guys too much, and there is still room for change.

Jun Wencang was full of worries, and came to Bishui Xiaozhu first, and paused slightly.

Several elders, Jun Chenyuan and others followed behind, and also stopped, showing doubts.

Quiet, it was so quiet.

"Could it be that they've already done something?" The second elder put on a worried expression.

"Oh, it's still a step late after all, Lan Sheng and his two friends seem to be in danger." The third elder shook his head and said gloatingly.

Jun Chenyuan looked at each other, if he had to take into account the kinship to some extent, he also had to take into account the eyes of those disciples of the small sect who were far behind, so he almost cheered and celebrated on the spot.

Jun Wencang's face darkened, worrying about the safety of Jun Lansheng, he walked through the dining hall into the small courtyard in three steps at a time, and then saw his body froze, and was stunned again.

The others followed into the yard, also stunned.

In the middle of the courtyard, Gu Fenghua was standing in front of an old-fashioned and spiritual pill furnace, quickly making handprints one after another. Next to him, Wu Zhengheng and a group of old men were fascinated by the sight, afraid to disturb Gu Fenghua, they didn't even dare to take a breath. Meanwhile, Fatty Bai and Lornen stood aside, their faces full of pride.

"What's going on here?" The second elder of the Jun family was already ready to collect the corpses of Gu Fenghua, Jun Lansheng and others, and even prepared his emotions. Those who planned to collect the corpses prepared to shed a few tears in a hypocritical way. Who knew that they saw such a scene and said with a puzzled face. Naturally, the other elders were also shocked, and their eyeballs almost fell off.

"It doesn't make sense, how could this happen?" Even the dignified elders were so surprised, let alone Jun Chenyuan and others. Jun Chenyuan could barely hold his breath, and didn't open his mouth. Jun Mingyuan and others next to him said in unison, both puzzled and disappointed.

"Shhh, seniors don't make noise when refining alchemy. Didn't your parents even teach you this truth?" Wu Tianheng didn't like to show embarrassment to the elders of Jun's family, but he was not so polite to these little kids from Jun's family.

senior? Looking at Gu Fenghua's young face, Jun Chenyuan and the others couldn't associate it with the word senior.

How did they know that after seeing Gu Fenghua's real attainments in alchemy, Wu Tianheng had already regarded her as a holy alchemist who could be treated as a peer - no, no, just relying on Gu Fenghua's alchemy level, in fact, they were all exalting themselves in terms of peers, but because she was too young, they couldn't shame them, and regarded themselves as younger generations.

"Stop talking, if it affects Gu Shimei's alchemy, be careful we won't be polite." Tao Yuanqian also glared at the group of teenagers around Jun Chenyuan, and said with an air of elders.

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