My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2238 unexpectedly has such a big origin

Thinking that he had called Gu Fenghua back and forth, and almost raised his hand, Wu Tianheng and the others broke out in a cold sweat. If Gu Fenghua was really hurt just now, Yiyi Xuegong will never let it go, and even alarm the envoy. It is not surprising that the Lord Jun envoy wiped out all their sects in a fit of anger.

"Patriarch Jun, are you harming us? You actually let her live in Bishui Xiaogong, the dignified history of Yiyuan Academy. Fortunately, I didn't do anything before, otherwise you not only harmed me, but also my Xuanmingzong." Wu Tianheng said to Jun Wencang with a face of resentment.

"Yes, if your Jun family has any problems with a school, you can settle it privately, why drag us into the water?" Tao Yuanqian said also full of resentment.

Although the elders of the other sect masters did not speak, there was clearly a bit of resentment in their eyes.

Outside the crowd, Guanshi Zhu was paralyzed from fright. The history of the school, she turned out to be the history of the Yiyuan Academy. Fortunately, he didn't do anything today, otherwise even if he had ten lives, it would not be enough to atone for the crime.

The faces of the elders of Jun's family are also very ugly. This little girl is actually the history of Yiyuan Academy. How could she be arranged in Bishuiyuntian? Isn't this intentionally adding to the chaos?

Fortunately, Wu Tianheng and the others didn't do anything, otherwise a catastrophe would happen, and how would the Jun family explain it. Although they have their own selfish intentions, but if the skin is not there, the hair will not be attached. As the elders of the clan, when encountering such a thing, the first consideration is the family's interests.

Their eyes turned to Jun Chenyuan at the same time. This time the Jun family welcomed the guests from all over the world, it was handed over to Jun Chenyuan, but I don't know how he would explain it.

Jun Chenyuan was so frightened that his face turned pale a long time ago: There is no history of academies in a school, oh my god, this damn girl has such a big history! With such a background, why didn't you say it earlier, isn't this a deliberate attempt to trick people into not paying for their lives?

Before everyone could look over, he had already moved away quietly.

"Chen Yuan, what's going on?" Unfortunately, before he reached the door, he heard Jun Wencang's stern scolding.

Jun Wen Cang's face was ashen, and he was also terrified in his heart. The history of the dignified Yiyuan Academy was actually placed in Bishui Xiaozhu, and he almost fought with Wu Tianheng and others. If this matter became serious, he, the head of the family, would have to bear the blame. What's worse, it was his own grandson who was responsible for welcoming and seeing off the guests, and he didn't even have a chance to shirk responsibility.

"Plop." Jun Chenyuan's feet softened and he fell to his knees.

"Say, what's going on?" Jun Wen Cang asked angrily.

"I, I don't know, I don't know that she is the history of Yiyuan Academy, she, she didn't say anything." Jun Chenyuan was so frightened that he almost lost his wits, sweating profusely all over his body, stammering and defending.

"Please, we obviously gave you the invitation, but you didn't read it, didn't ask, and you just led us to Bishui Xiaozhu, okay?" Luo Enen said with a curled lip.

Jun Chenyuan lowered his head helplessly. Indeed, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen did take out invitations at that time, but he was self-righteous and recognized that the two were disciples of the small sect, so he didn't even look at them, and didn't bother to ask. Many people have witnessed this incident with their own eyes, and he can't deny it even if he wants to.

Needless to say, just looking at the situation, everyone knows that this is Jun Chenyuan's fault, but they can't blame Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen.

"Chen Yuan, you have disappointed me so much. Our Jun family is responsible for ushering in and sending you to the suzerain enthronement ceremony. It is a small matter, but it is actually a major event. I think you should understand the key point. I entrust this important task to you. I hope that you can have more experience and become the pillar of my Jun family one day. I didn't expect you to act so aggressively, so ignorant!" Jun Wen Cang Yue raised his hand violently.

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